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农村公路是国家公路网的重要组成部分,是发展农村地方经济的基础设施。但目前我国农村公路的现状仍远远滞后于国家交通的总体发展水平,普遍存在着路基线形差、路面等级低、养护作业难以做到经常化和规范化等一系列问题,致使相当数量的农村公路处于“带病”或“带缺陷”状态下超负荷使用。以山西省(我国重要的能源重化工基地)为例,山西省中等以下煤矿有很大一部分分布在农村地区,煤炭出运都要经过农村公路,而大型重载运煤车辆的荷载往往大大超过了公路的设计承载能力,致使不少路段出现一次性损坏。如晋东南地区潞安矿务局一个中型煤矿所在的运煤道路,通车不足半年即出现了大量的沉陷、网裂等病害,由于养护治理不及时,整条路段不到一年即已基本损坏,无法正常使用。这种现象在我国很多地区普遍存在。2004年5月,交通部颁布了《县际及农村公路改造工程实施意见》,决定2003-2005年国家将实施县际及农村公路改造工程,基本投资将达1000亿元,改造工程规模为17.6万km。“十一五”期间,国家对农村公路的投入会更大。通过如此大规模的投资及改造工程,我国的县乡公路将会与高等级干线公路形成较为合理科学的国家公路运输网络。同时,我们也必须认识到农村公路的基本特点,进而探讨其修建和养护的合理方式以及机械化配置。 Rural roads are an important part of the national road network and the infrastructure for the development of rural local economy. However, at present, the current situation of rural roads in our country lags far behind the overall development level of national transportation, and there are a series of problems such as poor roadbed alignment, low grade of road surface, difficulty of normalization and standardization of maintenance operations, etc., resulting in a considerable number of rural roads In the “sick” or “with defects” state overload. Taking Shanxi Province (an important energy and heavy chemical industry base in China) as an example, a large part of the coal mines below the middle level in Shanxi Province are located in rural areas, and coal is transported by rural roads, while the load of large heavy coal vehicles often exceeds that of large- The bearing capacity of the highway design, resulting in a lot of sections of a one-time damage. For example, a medium-sized coal mine in Luan Mining Bureau of southeastern Shanxi Province, where a coal-carrying road is located, suffered a large number of subsidence and mesh cracking in less than half a year. Due to inadequate maintenance and treatment, the entire road section has been damaged in less than a year , Can not be used normally. This phenomenon is widespread in many parts of our country. In May 2004, the Ministry of Communications promulgated Opinions on Implementation of Inter-county and Rural Road Improvement Projects and decided that from 2003 to 2005, the state will implement county and rural road reconstruction projects with a basic investment of 100 billion yuan and a reconstruction scale of 17.6 Wan km. During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, the state will invest more in rural roads. Through such a large-scale investment and renovation project, China’s county and township roads will form a more reasonable and scientific national road transport network with high-grade trunk roads. At the same time, we must also recognize the basic characteristics of rural roads and explore the reasonable ways of constructing and maintaining them and the mechanized allocation.
目的 鉴定重组刚地弓形虫TgPH1蛋白与磷脂酰肌醇在体外的相互结合作用.方法 提取刚地弓形虫总RNA,经RT-PCR扩增TgPH1基因编码序列.扩增产物连接人原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1中得
为使读者全方位地了解国内高速公路沥青路面养护的情况,著名专家长安大学工程机械运用工程研究所所长康敬东教授在百忙之中接受本刊邀请,就相关问题作了深入探讨。 In order
Perhaps every driver has complained the bad traffic. One reason is that there’re too many cars but so few roads. The other one is about the bad road maintenanc