Part 3 Post-90s—All You Need Is Love

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  Junjie: Hey honey, can I ask you something?
  Jingyi: Sure, what’s up?
  Junjie: Why do you love me?
  Jingyi: Why not?
  Junjie: Ha ha. Very funny. But really, What made you fall in love with me?
  Jingyi: Well, among other things, it was the way you treated me with respect; like an equal.
  Junjie: Which is pretty 1)ironic seeing as how I’m far from your equal. ①You are leaps and bounds ahead of me, in terms of our families and our educational backgrounds etc..
  Jingyi: But that’s just it! When we first talked, I felt such a strong connection that it was like all of the details of our past seemed 2)insignificant and simply melted away. Junjie: Aw, I felt the same way. I felt like I had known you all my life, and yet, I wanted to know more and more. And every time you told me something new about yourself, I felt that much closer to you.
  Jingyi: So, at what point did you know we were destined to fall madly in love and live happily ever after?
  Junjie: It had to be the night your friend Ziyu introduced us at KTV.
  Jingyi: For real?? I thought I sounded like a 3)croaky frog that night.
  Junjie: It didn’t matter. I remember you had just finished singing. Then you turned around and had this adorable embarrassed look on your face. Your eye caught mine and I knew—I wanted to see that look again—and again and again.
  Jingyi: (giggling) Awww, you’re such a sweetheart. Now I couldn’t possibly imagine life without waking up next to your 4)chubby little face.
  Junjie: But with this new job you’ve got, it means your schedule is gonna be a lot more 5)hectic from now on.
  Jingyi: I know. I hope you’re ready to take on more of the responsibility Mr. Househusband.
  Junjie: It’s gonna be weird, but it’ll take more than a few dirty 6)diapers to scare me away. ②And I only feel slightly 7)emasculated that the mother of my children is the bread winner of the family.
  Jingyi: You shouldn’t feel like any less of a man. This is a brave new world that we are a part of, where gender roles are a thing of the past.
  Junjie: Which reminds me of another big reason I fell in love with you: your big, beautiful…brain.
  Jingyi: I’m just happy that you’re secure enough in your 8)masculinity to stay at home with the baby while I’m out bringing home the bacon.
  Junjie: Well, it helps that being a writer allows me to work from home. ③Besides, landing a girl who’s so gorgeous and down-to-earth was beyond even my wildest dreams.   Jingyi: What does that have to do with staying at home?
  Junjie: Because, now yours and our daughter’s dreams have become my new dreams. I’m just worried that I’m not enough for you. That someday you’ll leave me for someone taller or richer.
  Jingyi: Baby, your love is all I need, till death do us part.
  Smart Sentences
  ① You are leaps and bounds ahead of me, in terms of our families and our educational backgrounds etc.. 论起我们的家庭环境和教育背景等等,你的条件比我好得多。
  leaps and bounds ahead of sb.: way better than sb.(远在某人之上)。例如:
  All the other students were leaps and bounds ahead of Jerry. He tried very hard but still couldn’t catch up with the class.
  ② And I only feel slightly emasculated that the mother of my children is the bread winner of the family. 我只是感到自己有一点无能,我孩子的妈妈竟是赚钱养家的人。
  bread winner: the person who earns the money for a family(养家糊口的人)。例如:With two bread winners in the family, we can enjoy a trip overseas every couple of years.我家有两个挣钱的人,所以每隔几年我们就可以到海外旅行。
  ③ Besides, landing a girl who’s so gorgeous and down-to-earth was beyond even my wildest dreams. 除此以外,找到一个迷人而且实在的女孩真的是我做梦都没想到的事。
  down-to-earth: practical, realistic(实际的,务实的)。例如:
  Returning students from overseas need to have a more down-to-earth attitude when hunting for jobs.

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