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初识邓仲林,便觉得有一股朴实之风迎面而来。他说话不多,也不是很利落,但对邮票的迷恋,对邮协工作的热情却都落实在行动上。接触的多了,乃更感佩他的实干精神。他已跨进了“古稀”之年,退休以后除帮助居委会打理一个废品店外,自己还要集邮,还要帮助集邮组织和邮友寄邮品、联络、送报纸……全然不像一个已过花甲之年的老人。操心尤可,出力已不简单,何况他还要经常掏腰包贴钱贴米。这种邮情,这种境界,这种实干,肯定是要结出丰硕之果的。 Deng Zhonglin first acquaintance, they feel there is a simple style of the oncoming. He did not talk much or was very neat, but his passion for postage stamps and his enthusiasm for the work of the postal co-operatives were all implemented. More contact, but more respect for his hard work. He has stepped into the “Gulang” year, after retirement in addition to helping the neighborhood to take care of a waste shop, but also collect philatelic, but also to help philatelic organizations and mailing friends mailing, liaison, sending newspapers ... ... totally like an over Elder’s old man. Especially worry about the power output is not simple, not to mention he often have to pay the money to paste the stick rice. This mail, this state, this kind of hard work, is sure to bear fruitful results.
The low valence electron concentration(VEC)AlxCoCrFeNiSi(x = 0.5,1.0,1.5 and 2.0)high-entropy alloys(HEAs)were designed by the fundamental properties of the con
Based on the chemical composition of traditional hot-stamped steel(e.g.,22MnB5 and 30MnB5),Nb and V microalloy-ing elements are added into 30MnB5 steel to meet
广西是中国水果的主要产区之一 ,1 998年果树栽培面积 1 0 8万hm2 ,其中柑桔面积 1 9 7万hm2 ,产量 1 0 9 1万t,占广西水果总产量的 1 / 3,柑桔产业已成为广西农业的重要组成部
The adhesion of fine iron ore particles during fluidized bed reduction was studied using pressurized visible fluidized bed laboratory equipment.The results show
将高级加密标准(Aadvanced Encryption Standard,AES)算法加入射频识别系统(RFID)系统,对RFID数据进行加密通信设计,提高RFID系统的数据安全性,有效地防止恶意入侵.
16年前,她顶替因公殉职的丈夫背起了沉重的邮袋, 16年后,因身体和年龄的原因不得不告别邮路的她又把邮袋交给了自己的儿子。岁月的变迁磨砺了曾经的苦难,带来的是更好的明天
辽阳石化公司加氢裂化装置由于建造时间早,经过多次改造,高压部分换热流程不合理,其中一台高压换热器E1102未利用,造成能量损失,增加装置能耗.通过流程模拟软件Aspen Plus设