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近几年初中科学考试的试题突出了实验题能力的考察,实验探究题的比重越来越大,引起了我们老师和学生的高度重视。在实际复习课的教学过程中教师实验探究题的讲解是非常仔细许多题型还多次重复讲解,但是在学生在各种考试中实验探究题仍然是学生最薄弱、失分最多的题型。笔者认为学生实验探究能力弱是很多教师在平时课堂教学中实验教学不重视有关。《新课标》指出:“科学是一门实验科学,在义务教育阶段应让学生通过观察、操作、体验等方式,经历科学探究过程,逐步学习科学规律,构建科学概念,学习科学方法,逐步树立科学的世界观。”可以说实验是进行科学的教学的灵魂,新课改把对初中科学教学的要求提高到“科学实验探究”的层面,其目的和意义是深远的。因此,在实际科学课堂教学过程中我们教师应该重视科学实验的教学,把提高学生的科学实验的素养融入平时科学教学过程中。 In recent years, the examination questions of junior high school science examinations have highlighted the ability of experimental questions, and the proportion of experimental inquiry questions has been increasing, attracting great attention from our teachers and students. In the practical review of the teaching process of teachers’ experiential inquiry is very carefully explained many questions also repeatedly explained, but in a variety of examinations students explore the topic is still the weakest students, the most points of the missing questions. The author thinks that students’ experimental exploration ability is weak and many teachers do not attach importance to experimental teaching in normal classroom teaching. The new curriculum standard states: “Science is an experimental science. During the period of compulsory education, students should go through the process of scientific inquiry, gradually learn the laws of science, construct scientific concepts and learn scientific methods through observation, operation and experience. And gradually establish a scientific world outlook. ”It can be said that experiment is the soul of teaching science. The new curriculum reform has raised the demand for teaching of science in junior high schools to the level of scientific inquiry, whose purpose and significance are far-reaching. Therefore, in the actual science classroom teaching process, our teachers should attach importance to the teaching of scientific experiments, to improve the quality of students’ scientific experiments into the usual science teaching process.
肺癌脑转移多见,但脑膜转移少见,现报告2例以供参考。本文采用脑膜炎型肺癌这一术语,其目的是有别于其它部位肿瘤所致的脑膜转移。例1 女性,46岁,干部,住院号279940。患者于
应用随机对照的方法评价了注射用乳糖酸阿奇霉治疗下呼吸道感染 30例的疗效和安全性。结果表明 ,其有效率为 76.0 % ,痊愈率为 68.0 % ,细菌清除为 93.1% ,细菌的 MIC90 为 0
分析 76例呼吸衰竭患者经鼻气管插管与气管切开疗效的优缺点。其中Ⅰ型呼衰 36例, Ⅱ型呼衰 40例。结果:Ⅰ型呼衰经气管切开组,氧分压改善明显优于经鼻气管插管组。而由COPD引起的Ⅱ型呼衰