Analytical review on the major Issues of the new bankruptcy (law)legislation

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The bankruptcy law is an integral part of the legal system of societies with market economy.After many years of preparation,the draft of the new bankruptcy law in China was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress twice and is waiting for the third approval to be enacted.Drawing on the experiences of other countries,the new bankruptcy law tries to carry out the concepts of market economy,eliminate the residual influences of planned economy that existed in the old law,protect lawful rights and interests of creditors and debtors,and maintain the order of socialist market economy.This thesis analyzes and researches on the major and controversial issues that emerged during the legislation of the new bankruptcy law from the aspects such as the principle of the legislation,criteria of bankruptcy,preservation or abolishment of policy-related bankruptcy,protection of the employees' fights and interests of bankrupt enterprises,the creditors' committee system,the trustee system,reorganization system to prevent bankruptcy,and the legal obligations of bankrupt,and so on.It also gives a comprehensive introduction to the innovation and modification of the new bankruptcy law.
摘 要:新形势下整个社会的女职工面临的劳动就业环境发生了巨大变化,如何切实加强企业工会女职工管理,维护女职工的合法权益,充分调动其参与建设的积极性,对于建设和谐稳定的劳工关系意义重大。工会是女职工的合法权益和特殊利益的捍卫者,切实搞好维护女职工权益工作义不容辞。  关键词:新形势;工会女职工;权益保护;现状;对策  0引言  随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,许多企业开始进行自己的企业形式,企业管理机
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摘 要:民以食为天,食品质量直接关系着广大群众的身体健康。尤其是在人们物质文化生活水平日益提高的当下,食品质量更是成为人们关注的焦点。但近年来我国的食品问题频发,暴露出了食品质量检验存在的不足,严重危害了人们的生命安全。相关部门应深入分析食品质量检验存在的问题,并积极采取行之有效的措施提高食品检验的质量。这也是本文将要探讨的主要问题。  关键词:食品质量;检验;问题;对策  食品质量检验是为保障食
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摘 要:首先分析了环氧乙烷市场宏观情况,其中有近年来的环氧乙烷市场的走势、环氧乙烷的生产工艺发展和历年环氧乙烷产能情况,然后分析了环氧乙烷营销的策略:环氧乙烷是一种重要的精细化工产品;环氧乙烷市场专业化的推广;技术服务水平将为生产企业提供利益增长点;强化综合能力的销售员工;适应最新的招标采购条例;大力推进网络营销;基于行业研究的营销模式。  关键词:环氧乙烷市场;营销;策略  石油化工工业中的环氧