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新中国成立不久,在中国人民解放军的序列中,便有了一支在“寂静战场”拼杀的特殊部队——军事科学院。昨天,许多身经百战的指挥员走下战场,走进军事科学研究的殿堂。他们以笔代枪,总结战争经验,研究军事理论,编写战斗条令、条例,指导国防与军队建设,书写着中国军事科学的新篇章。今天,面对世界新军事革命的挑战,新一代军事科学研究的特殊“斗士”勇敢地冲向世界军事理论的前沿,研究新情况,创新军事理论,描绘我军军事理论发展的宏伟蓝图。应广大读者的要求,记者走进西山环抱中的军事科学院,采写了一些鲜为人知的事情,现刊发,以飨读者。 初冬时节,冒着凛冽的北风,踏着遍地金黄的枫叶,记者来到了北京西山怀抱之中 Soon after the founding of New China, there was a special unit, the Academy of Military Science, which was put to ars in the “silent battlefield” in the sequence of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yesterday, many well-versed commanders stepped down from the battlefield and entered the hall of military scientific research. They used their pens to write off their guns, summed up the experience of war, studied military theories, wrote combat ordinances and regulations, and guided national defense and army building, writing a new chapter in China's military science. Today, in face of the challenge of a new military revolution in the world, the special “champion” of the new generation of military scientific research bravely heads the forefront of the world's military theories, studies new situations, innovates military theories and depicts the grand blueprint for the development of military theory in our army. At the request of readers, the reporter walked into the Academy of Military Sciences in the midst of the Western Hills and wrote some little-known things. Early winter season, braved the northerly wind, marching golden maple leaf everywhere, the reporter came to Beijing Xishan embrace
新型的S-400“凯旋”(Triumph)地空导弹系统即将在卡普 斯京亚尔试验场完成试验,有望于今年年底首批装备空军。据俄媒体称,S-400可以“有效摧毁现有及未来的空中打击系统”,
The Constitution of the People's Republic of China provides that all power belongs to the people. Yet, whether people can exercise judicial powerhas been a prob