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国有小型企业改革意见国家体改委最近提出了《关于积极推进国有小型企业改革的意见》。《意见》指出:推进国有小型企业改革的指导思想是,着眼于从总体上搞活国有小型企业。《意见》的主要内容有:1.围绕现代企业制度的基本特征,制定企业改革方案。要明晰企业的产权关... State-owned Small Enterprise Reform Ideas The National Development and Reform Commission recently proposed the “Opinions on Actively Promoting the Reform of State-owned Small-scale Enterprises.” The “Opinions” pointed out: The guiding ideology for advancing the reform of state-owned small businesses is to focus on invigorating small state-owned enterprises as a whole. The main contents of the “Opinions” are: 1. Based on the basic characteristics of the modern enterprise system, formulate enterprise reform programs. To clarify the corporate property rights...
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Background Middle mediastinal masses comprise a wide variety of tumors but may also reflect lymphadenopathy, and thus remain an interesting diagnostic challenge
活动来源  在我园的园本课程中,“我把眼睛藏起来”是小班上学期“认识自己”主题中的一个歌唱活动。歌曲《我把眼睛藏起来》曲调轻快、幽默,乐句重复、简单,歌词是身体各部位的认知,又加上了一些“藏猫猫”的游戏元素,多次实践孩子们都很喜欢。但是上学期在小班开展这个活动,我发现有不少孩子参与度不够,有的连玩“藏起来”的游戏环节也兴趣不高。这个“冷场”表面上看是孩子不玩,不动,但是透过现象,其实质是这个班的孩
Aim: To assess the value of the routine chest radiography as part of the medical evaluation of newly arrived, internationally adopted children. Methods: We eval
Amperometric biosensor applied to the determination of high concentration lactate in serum and whole blood was described.The biosensor was constructed by gold e