
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whenhm
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公安基层基础建设是整个公安工作的根基,是推动公安事业长远发展的基石。近年来,公安机关在基层基础建设方面做了大量工作,取得明显成效,但仍不同程度地存在认识不到位、思路不开阔、体制不完善、机制不健全等问题。只有切实将公安基层基础工作作为事关公安事业长远发展的重要工作来抓,落实“两化一和谐”(公安信息化建设、执法规范化建设、构建和谐警民关系),坚持以科学发展观为统领,务实创新,持续推进,才能不断夯实根基,增强后劲,确保公安工作科学发展。 The basic construction of grassroots public security work is the foundation of the entire public security work and the cornerstone of promoting the long-term development of public security. In recent years, the public security organs have done a great deal of work in basic infrastructure construction and achieved remarkable results. However, to some extent, there are problems such as lack of understanding, inadequate mentality, imperfect systems and unsound mechanisms. Only by earnestly putting the work of grassroots work at the grassroots level as an important task in the long-term development of public security undertakings and implementing the principle of “two cultures and one harmony” (the construction of public security informatization and the construction of law enforcement standards to build a harmonious relationship between the people and the people) In order to lead the party, pragmatic innovation and continuous progress, can we constantly consolidate the foundation, enhance our stamina, and ensure the scientific development of public security work.
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