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机械制图是机械加工专业的必修课程,也是基础课程,从目前的教学效果来看,学生普遍反映课程难度较高,学习起来困难较大,结合教学经验分析,机械制图课的难点主要是空间思维的形成,将平面图形用空间立体的角度进行分析。在机械制图课教学中,应该从学生的角度出发,结合学生认知特点,多种教学方法并行,理论和实践相结合,提高教学质量。机械加工专业是中职的代表专业之一,刚刚进入到中职校园,很多学生都是抱着考不上高中的想法去的,因此本身 Mechanical drawing is a compulsory course of mechanical processing major, is also a basic course, from the current teaching results, the students generally reflect the higher difficulty of the course to learn more difficult, combined with the teaching experience analysis, the main difficulty of mechanical drawing course is the spatial thinking The formation of three-dimensional graphic plane with the perspective of space for analysis. In the teaching of mechanical drawing, it should be from the student’s point of view, combined with the cognitive characteristics of students, a variety of teaching methods in parallel, the combination of theory and practice, improve teaching quality. Mechanical processing is one of the representatives of professional secondary vocational school, just entered the secondary vocational school, many students are holding the test of high school to go to the idea, so itself
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分析了高校体育教材内容的现状;提出在高校实施终身体育教育,必须确立适宜的体育教材内容体系;论述了选择教材内容的原则,提出了确立高校体育教材内容体系的基本构想 The paper