Heart failure in very elderly population- a profile of heart failure in patients over the age of eig

来源 :老年心脏病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartdudu
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Objective Heart failure is an epidemic in the elderly, but there is a striking lack of data in this clinically important patient population. We investigated the demographics, cardiac performance, and medication management of a segment of the hospital population in at least their eighth decade of life. Methods We retrospectively reviewed 75 records of heart failure patients who were 80 years of age or older. Records were reviewed for demographic information, presence or absence of diastolic dysfunction, evaluation of ejection fraction, and medication usage including angiotensin-concerting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARBs),beta-adrenergic blockers, digoxin, and aldosterone antagonists. Assessment for contra-indications to ACE inhibitor or ARBs use was also performed to assess co-morbidities that limit treatment of heart failure. Results The population of very elderly with heart failure is heterogeneous. We found a higher proportion of females as well as higher rates of diastolic dysfunction in patients aged ≥ 90 years compared to patients between the ages of 80-89 years. Usage of ACE inhibitors, ARBs and beta-adrenergic blockers was strikingly low throughout the very elderly population. While co-morbid conditions limited use of agents in many cases, there was a lack of explicit contra-indication in most patients not on an ACE inhibitor or an ARB. Conclusions Heart failure is not a single disease processes, but a continuum of disease processes that vary with age. The elderly with heart failure are an undertreated population, in part due to the multitude of co-morbidities that affect them. Further prospective studies are needed to better understand the physiology and ideal treatment regiment in this growing population.
目的 评价经口咽改良Ⅱ代解剖型寰枢椎复位钢板(TARP)内固定治疗难复性寰枢椎脱位的临床效果.方法 2004年8月~2006年3月,应用改良Ⅱ代解剖型TARP内固定植骨融合术并枢椎双皮质固定法治疗15例难复性寰枢椎脱位患者.按美国脊髓损伤学会(ASIA)分级:C级3例,D级10例,E级2例.ASIA运动评分平均为(83.0±13.4)分(46~100分).结果 所有患者获平均10个月(3~20个月
目的 介绍Cervifix枕颈内固定系统及同种异体骨板在枕颈融合术中的应用并评价其疗效.方法 对22 例新鲜创伤和5 例陈旧性创伤引起的枕颈不稳病例,采用Cervifix系统内固定,同种
目的 依据孕妇血浆中存在游离胎儿DNA的理论,寻找一种无创性产前基因诊断的新方法.方法 提取42例孕14~40周的产妇血浆中游离胎儿DNA,采用引物延伸预扩增(primer extension preamplification, PEP) 后行PCR,特异性扩增其Y染色体重复序列(DYZ3)基因.同时采用9个短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat, STR)多态性位点的多重扩增方法
目的 探讨乳腺肿块定性检查的最佳方法.方法 回顾分析86例应用活检枪穿刺行乳腺肿块活检术临床资料.结果 本组86例穿刺行乳腺包块检查均获得清晰的病理图像,术后复送病理诊断与术前穿刺病理诊断100%相符.结论 乳腺肿块活检枪细胞学检查具有操作简单,安全,创伤性小,诊断准确、快速的优点,是诊断乳腺肿块最有价值的手段,是乳腺肿瘤定性检查的微创方法,值得临床应用推广。
目的 介绍自体双股半腱肌和股薄肌横向滑杆固定重建膝关节前交叉韧带(ACL)的手术方法,并探讨其近期的临床效果.方法 自2005年1月~2006年7月,应用自体双股半腱肌和股薄肌横向滑杆固定治疗8例ACL损伤患者,其中2例为急性损伤,6例为慢性膝关节不稳.手术从健侧取半腱肌和股薄肌对折4股重建ACL;先建立"胫-股"隧道,然后在瞄准器帮助下采用拉出钢丝法使移植肌腱进入隧道,进入后肌腱股骨侧采用横向滑
目的 充分调动护士工作的积极性,挖掘护士的工作潜能,提高工作质量.方法 实行护士工作积分制,每月由护士长和科内质控小组组长对科内护士的医德医风、工作质量、工作成绩、护理论文等进行检查、汇总,所得分值填写在护士长手册上,由护士签名认可,并与当月奖金挂钩.结果 客观、公正地评价了护士的工作成绩,奖惩兑现,体现了多劳多得、奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣的分配原则,激发了护士工作的积极性,增强了护士的责任心和荣誉感.