MDR1/P-Glycoprotein Overexpression in Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma and its Correlation with E

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjie16
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OBJECTIVE To explore the expression of the MDR1/P-glycoprotein, Fas and survivin and to examine their correlation with the biologic behavior of bladder transitional cell carcinoma (BTCC). METHODS Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of P-gp, survivin and Fas in BTCC (n=64) and normal bladder mucosa (n=12). RESULTS The expression level of P-gp and survivin in BTCC was higher compared to normal bladder mucosa (P<0.01) and their expression was strongly correlated with clinical grading (P<0.01). In BTCC and normal bladder mucosa Fas expression was 50% and 100%, respectively (P< 0.01). Recurrent BTCC showed higher expression than primary BTCC (P< 0.01) and the expression of P-gp in BTCC had a reverse correlation with Fas expression but no correlation with survivin expression. CONCLUSUON The MDR of BTCC was strongly correlated with the ex- pression of P-gp and Fas, but was not correlated with survivin expres- sion. Thus, enhancing cancer sensitivity to chemotherapy by reversing multidrug resistance with reversal agents or up-regulating Fas expres- sion by apoptotic enhancing agents, might be a potential therapy to pre- vent tumor recurrence and invasiveness. OBJECTIVE To explore the expression of the MDR1 / P-glycoprotein, Fas and survivin and to examine their correlation with the biologic behavior of bladder transitional cell carcinoma (BTCC). METHODS Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of P-gp, survivin and Fas in the BTCC (n = 64) and normal bladder mucosa (n = 12). RESULTS The expression level of P-gp and survivin in BTCC was higher than normal bladder mucosa (P <0.01) and their expression was strongly correlated with clinical grading (P <0.01). In BTCC and normal bladder mucosa Fas expression was 50% and 100%, respectively (P <0.01). Recurrent BTCC showed higher expression than primary BTCC had a reverse correlation with Fas expression but no correlation with survivin expression. CONCLUSUON The MDR of BTCC was strongly correlated with the ex-pression of P-gp and Fas, but was not correlated with survivin expres- sion. Thus, enhancing cancer sensitivity to chemotherapy by reve Multidrug resistance with reversal agents or up-regulating Fas expres- sion by apoptotic enhancing agents might might a potential therapy to pre- vent tumor recurrence and invasiveness.
必备液体:5~10%GS,500ml/瓶。5%NaHCO_3,10ml/支或250ml/瓶,10%NaCl,10ml/支。 输液方法:第一日的输液至关重要,其中累积损失量的补充尤其重要,连续损失量及生理需要量的补充亦
美国西雅图一所教会小学,德高望重的戴尔牧师向学生们宣布:谁能背诵出《马太福音》第五到第七章的全部内容,就可以在周末和他一起去“太空针高塔”顶上的餐厅吃饭。  “太空针高塔”有153米高,顶上的餐厅是西雅图当时最高级的地方,能有机会和戴尔牧师一起去那里吃饭,同学们都很兴奋,可一算时间,只有三天了,那三个章节又长又拗口,同学们纷纷摇头叹息说:“三天时间根本不可能背下来!”  周末很快到了,当戴尔牧师在
【中图分类号】G633.33【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)14-0098-01  阅读教学是语文教学的“重中之重”。传统的语文阅读教学,主要以教师的讲解和学生的训练为主,而其二者基本都是围绕字、词、句、语法、修辞、逻辑、文体等知识点展开分析的,忽视知识之间的联系以及作为主体的学生的情感体验,这种“肢解法”的教学导致的后果是:磨灭了学生学习语文的兴趣,扼杀了教师从事教学
【内容摘要】文本多角度解读的核心在于尊重文本本身,尊重作者所处的时代,知人论世,而不是过分的解读,本文针对初中语文教学中对课文多角度解读中存在的问题,结合笔者的教学实践,从四个方面对文本的多角度解读的合理性进行了论述。  【关键词】多角度 解读 合理性  语文教学过程中,对一篇课文的解读,由于教者的对课文内容的阅读深度、对主题的理解、对作者创作风格的认识、以及教者本身的生活阅历和经验等等因素的影响