
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan888111
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氮、磷、钾肥料是水稻生长发育必要的三大营养元素,对于主季稻施过氮、磷、钾肥料的再生稻,是否需要再施用,论点不尽相同。有些研究提出,再生稻依靠肥料的组合比例或混合肥料,另一些研究指出,只有氮素肥料对再生稻才有明显的影响,它有提高根系活力,促进分蘖和增加产量的作用;也有些研究说,氮素水平不影响分蘖和穗数、千粒重、谷草比或缺穴;有的研究认为,磷肥和钾肥对再生稻产量无影响;也有的认为,主季稻有足够的磷、钾肥,则再生稻就不需要了。这可能是水、土、气、热、种等诸因素的差异而造成不一致的结果。因此,不同地区栽培再生稻,怎样合理施用肥料,应先进行试验。本试验是针对合肥的环境因素及特定的品种而进行的。在1985年摸清皖引4号再生稻的特征特性的基础上,于1986年进行了氮素肥料施用的研究,1987年再增加磷、钾肥料施用的研究。为再生稻的合理经济用肥和高产栽培提供参考。 Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are the three essential nutrients for rice growth and development. Whether the need for re-application of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium fertilizers for re-generation rice of main season rice is different. Some studies suggest that ratooning rice relies on the combination of manure or compost, while others indicate that only nitrogenous fertilizers have a significant effect on ratoon rice, which has the effect of increasing root vigor, promoting tillering and increasing yield; and some studies Said that nitrogen levels did not affect the tillering and spike number, grain weight, grain-straw ratio or lack of access; some studies suggest that phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer have no effect on the yield of ratooning rice; and some believe that the main season rice has enough phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, then Ratooning is not needed. This may be the result of inconsistencies in water, soil, air, heat, species and other factors. Therefore, the cultivation of ratooning rice in different areas, how to rationalize the application of fertilizers should be tested. This experiment is for Hefei environmental factors and specific varieties carried out. In 1985 to find out the characteristics of Anhui lead No. 4 ratoon rice characteristics based on the 1986 nitrogen fertilizer application in 1987 and then increase the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application. Provide a reference for rational economical fertilizer and high-yield cultivation of ratoon rice.
本研究选用245份国内外小麦种质资源,分析了其直链淀粉含量、膨胀势、降落值及与沉淀值和农艺性状的相关关系;选用6个小麦亲本材料,按照Griffing方法Ⅱ组配了一套双列杂交组合,研究了直链淀粉含量、膨胀势的配合力、杂种优势和遗传力;选用6个小麦品种分别在4个地点种植,研究了直链淀粉含量和膨胀势与环境的关系。结果表明: 1、直链淀粉含量与沉淀值呈显著负相关,膨胀势与沉淀值呈极显著正相关,表明面
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