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  [摘要] 在进行音乐表演时,对意境的联想是非常重要的。意境就像是音乐的灵魂,意境越深,创作出的音乐就越形象、贴切。无论是轻音乐、摇滚乐、民乐或其它音乐体裁,意境都是举足轻重不可或缺的。如果一个音乐没有意境,必定是枯燥乏味、难以流传的。在音乐表演中,古今中外的音乐创作者都很重视意境的作用,有不少经典的例子可以证明。我相信,将有越来越多的音乐表演者关注它、重视它。
  [关键词] 意境 想象 音乐体裁 虚实情景
  [1] 于润洋,吴斌《音乐研究》,2004年第1期(总第112期).
  [2] 傅建生主编《中国二胡》,中国音乐家协会二胡学会,湖南文艺出版社,2003年,第24~30页.
  Both western and Chinese people have two kinds of personal names-a surname and a given name. But the order and the use of these names in the two languages are somewhat different. In Chinese, the surname comes first and then the given name, and people like add xiao (小)in front of their family name. Such as xiao wang xiao zheng, xiao li ,xiao yu.(小王,小李,小余)and so on. While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last. So John Smith's family name is Smith, not John. In a formal setting, address men as "Mister" (abbreviated as "Mr."), married women as "Misses" (abbreviated as "Mrs."), and unmarried women as " Miss" (abbreviated as "Ms."). These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations "Ms." or "M.", pronounced "miz". If the person has an M.D. or Ph.D., they will often be addressed as "Doctor" (abbreviated as "Dr."). Faculty is addressed as "Professor" (abbreviated as "Prof."). In an informal situation, westerners will introduce each other by first name, without titles, and occasionally by just the last name. If you are introduced to somebody by first name, you can address him or her by first name the next time you meet. The only exception would be for someone who holds an important position, such as the university president or provost. Unless they tell you otherwise, faculty should be addressed using their title and last name (e.g., "Professor Smith"). When in doubt, use the formal manner of address, since it is better to err on the side of formality. It is also appropriate to ask how they prefer to be addressed. Children should always address adults in the formal fashion, using their title and last name.
  Responses to compliments, apologies and thanks.
  To compliment is to praise the addressee’s virtues, ability, behavior, appearance, clothing, personality and belongs. Appropriate compliments can serve as effective supplementary means in inter-personal communication. Western and Chinese culture are at polar opposites about compliment. An western hostess, if she is complimented for her cooking skill, is likely to say,” Oh, I am so glad that you liked it. I cook it especially for you.” Not so is a Chinese hostess, who will instead apologize for giving you “Nothing”. They will say sui bian zuo ji ge cai ,bu hao chi (隨便作几个菜,不好吃 ).If translate this into English” I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty. Perhaps the foreigner will think why you invite me to you family and have the untasty food. You aren't respect me. The English-speaking people are more active to praise others and to be praise than Chinese people. For example, the Americans are “straight forwardness”, the Chinese take pride in “modes That modesty has left many a Chinese hungry at an Americans table, for Chinese politeness calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer and the Americans hosts take ”no ”to mean “no ”, whether it is the first, second or third time. Still bigger differences exist in people’s attitude towards compliments, i.e., in the response to compliments. Chinese are tend to efface themselves in words or refuse it, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments. So many westerners simply feel puzzled or even upset when their Chinese friends refused their compliments. The Chinese people are not intending to be modest with the sacrifice of friendship in so doing, but it is rather due to the traditional Chinese philosophy, that of modesty.
  If wrong things are done, there must be apologies .As to how to offer apologies, both western and Chinese people may “I am sorry….”, “I apologize for…” Etc. But Chinese would like to apologize for the crowded state of their dwellings and for small numbers of dishes, although the room is big enough and there are many dishes. Chinese stay these to express self-depreciation only out of courtesy, not having other implication. But the westerners would wonder, since the room is so large and there are so many dishes, why do they say so. May be they do not welcome our visit; they don’t like us to eat more.
  A: Oh, I’m sorry. I forget it./ B1: It doesn’t matter./ B2: That’s all right.
  B2 is westerners. B1 is a Chinese person. “It doesn’t’t matter” is a translation ofmei guan xi(沒关系)from Chinese, which is a common pattern in Chinese to respond to apologies. If a Chinese uses this to respond to apologies, westerners will think that he is a sharp person, who simply cannot forgive a very little wrong thing.
  “Thank you” is widely used in English to show gratitude in such cases as being invited, helped, given a gift, etc. Cultural differences exist between Chinese and western in how to express thanks and responses. In fact, “Thank you” is uttered in English for more than acknowledging favor or gratitude, and it is often a means to show politeness. On many occasions, the English use this utterance while the Chinese may say you lao nin le (有劳您了).Or do not say a word at all but just smile or nod. As a matter of fact, “Thank you ” is used more widely by westerners than Chinese use xie xie(谢谢), for minor favors like borrowing pencil , asking directions, requesting someone to pass on a message , receiving a telephone, etc. “Thank you” not only shows politeness but also carries a person’s grateful feeling for those who offer help.
  3. Differences in cross-cultural communication and business English
  Communication styles
  The way people communicate varies widely between, and even within, cultures. One aspect of communication style is language usage. Across cultures, some words and phrases are used in different ways. For example, even in countries that share the English language, the meaning of “yes” varies from “maybe, I’ll consider it” to “definitely so,” with many shades in between.
  Another major aspect of communication style is the degree of importance given to non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication includes not only facial expressions and gestures; it also involves seating arrangements, personal distance, and sense of time. In addition, different norms regarding the appropriate degree of assertiveness in communicating can add to cultural misunderstandings. For instance, some white Americans typically consider raised voices to be a sign that a fight has begun, while some black, Jewish and Italian Americans often feel that an increase in volume is a sign of an exciting conversation among friends. Thus, some white Americans may react with greater alarm to a loud discussion than would members of some American ethnic or non-white racial groups.
  Approaches to completing tasks
  From culture to culture, there are different ways that people move toward completing tasks. Some reasons include different access to resources; different judgments of the rewards associated with task completion, different notions of time, and varied ideas about how relationship-building and task-oriented work should go together. When it comes to working together effectively on a task, cultures differ with respect to the importance placed on establishing relationships early on in the collaboration. A case in point, Asian and Hispanic cultures tend to attach more value to developing relationships at the beginning of a shared project and more emphasis on task completion toward the end as compared with European-Americans. European-Americans tend to focus immediately on the task at hand, and let relationships develop as they work on the task. This does not mean that people from any one of these cultural backgrounds are more or less committed to accomplishing the task, or value relationships more or less; it means they may pursue them differently. The United Kingdom is a nation of cultural and ethnic diversity consisting of four countries each with a clear identity: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A thoroughly multicultural society, the UK continues to blend its rich cultural heritage with a modern and innovative outlook. Knowledge and an appreciation of the basic cultural, ethical and business values of the UK is crucial to any organization wanting to conduct business in such a varied yet traditional country. Humor - A vital element in all aspects of British life and culture is the renowned British sense of humor. The importance of humor in all situations, including business contexts, cannot be overestimated.
  4. Conclusion
  The writer has discussed the awareness of cultures influence the cross--cultural communication in business English business. With different context Chinese and western cultures, the speaker would consider this point to communicate each other, and respect the natural different between two sides of cultures, and build up the reasonable communication based on it.
  [1] Robert N. Bellah and others, Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1985.
  [2] Samovar, L.A., et al. Communication between Cultures Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004.
  [3] Todd, Lorento, et al The International English Usage Croom Helm Ltd., 1986.
  [4] Wallace E. Adams and others, eds., The Western World To 1770, I New York: Dodd, Mead and Company,1968.
[摘要] 深厚的专业功底和丰富的教学经验是高质量教学的必备要素,本文结合高职生源现状、人才培养目标以及数字通信技术的课程特点进行教学过程探索。通过列举大量的具体实例,对该课程在理论和实践环节中的一些教学方法、技巧和手段进行了分析和论述。  [关键词] 数字通信 教学方法和手段 实时仿真    1. 引言   作为一名优秀的高职教师,首要条件是要具备深厚的专业功底,而丰富的教学经验和高超的教学技巧则
[摘要] 朗读是有声语言的艺术再创作,是一种重要的有声语言活动,能把无声的语言变成有声的语言,把作家的思想感情准确地表现。朗读是我们搞活语文教学,促进推普工作,培养学生能力的一个重要手段。在普通话教学中,通过有针对性的语音正音练习和朗读技巧的专门训练,可以使学生的语言能力得到很大的提高。  [关键词] 普通话 朗读 训练方法 语言艺术 再创作    普通话是我国推广的通用语言,在基本上掌握了普通话
[摘要] 江泽民同志曾指出:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的动力。”人是生产力中最活跃的因素,人力资源是第一资源。现在我们常常都会看到世界很多产品都是Made in China,更希望是Created in China,创造力远比单纯的制造,更能保证一个国家的长期发展。然而创新的问题,说到底还是人才的问题,而人才就直接来源于良好的教育。这是我们每个教育工作者必须直接面对并且已经直接面对
[摘要] 师幼互动作为幼儿园教育的基本表现形态,存在于幼儿一日生活之中,表现在幼儿园教育的各个领域,并对幼儿发展产生难以估量的影响。教师应放下权威,转变角色,建立平等和谐的师幼关系;理解尊重,接纳孩子,营造轻松愉快的互动氛围;抓住关键,调整策略,提高师幼互动的有效性;只有这样才能构建积极、有效的师幼互动。  [关键词] 师幼互动 转变角色 理解尊重 调整策略 引导    师幼互动是指发生在幼儿园的
[摘要] 文采用波特的“钻石”模型作为分析框架,分析了广东省LED产业竞争力现状,并以此引出广东省LED产业现有的问题,最后以此为基点建议广东LED应从产业结构、政府政策、企业创新等方面来提高其产业竞争力。  [关键词] 广东LED产业 产业竞争力 对策建议    2003年6月,“国家半导体照明工程”正式启动,在其推动下,形成了上海、大连、南昌、厦门、深圳、扬州、石家庄7個国家半导体照明工程产业
[摘 要] 医院统计工作的基本任务是对医院发展、医疗资料的利用、医疗护理质量、医技科室的工作效率和全院的社会效率、经济效益等情况进行科学的搜集、整理、分析,实现统计服务及统计监督职能。统计信息在医院可持续发展中提供了准确、及时而全面的数据依据,为医院的管理发挥出统计信息应有的价值。随着计算机网络和数据库技术的发展,医院信息化、网络化在我院已基本普及。这些系统极大地提高了临床工作的效率和管理水平。
[摘 要] 思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统和政治优势,是经济工作和其他工作的生命线,充分发挥思想政治工作优势,大力加强和改进思想政治工作,对不断推进社会主义“三个文明”建设协调发展具有重要作用。企业要发展,就要不断改革,不断创新才有动力,才能发展。企业改制后,要通过思想政治工作使广大员工有新意识,有新创举,不断推动企业网向前发展。在企业内部只讲物质文明、精神文明显然是不能满足现代企业管理的要求,
[摘要] 英语委婉语作为一种语言现象,已渗透于人们生活的方方面面,在现实生活中应用广泛,是人们用以交际的重要手段。因此学好英语中的委婉语对于英语学习者有着重要的现实意义。本文通过大量例证来分析英语委婉语在日常生活中的广泛应用。  [关键词] 英语委婉语日常生活应用    英语委婉语一词“euphemism”源于希腊语,意思是“好听的话”、“吉利话”。委婉语(Euphemism)是人类语言使用过程中
[摘 要] 目前加油站建设的可行性研究,基本上沿用一般工程建设项目可行性研究的方法,除工程内容以外,其他研究内容有许多不适应零售网络建设的特点,特别是经济评价指标仍然侧重于投资效益指标,市场开发的销售量预测仍然依靠主观经验。为改进加油站建设可行性研究,本文提出改进建议。  [关键词] 加油站 建设 可行性  一、目前成品油零售网络建设可行性研究存在的问题  1. 单站建设忽视网络整体
[摘 要] 我市的现行水价机制已经严重影响到水资源的合理配置与高效利用。为此建议:在充分借鉴各地经验基础上,立足我市水情,逐步改革现行农业水费计收制度,建立“两部制”水价;同时注重配套制度与设施建设。  [关健词] 乌苏市水价机制 水价改革