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  Harry: Hi there!
  Olivia: Hi!
  Harry: Have you seen Fadi?
  Olivia: Ooh, ’fraid not, not today anyway.(door’s opening) Johnny: Hi there! Olivia: Hi!
  Johnny: Has anyone seen Fadi today?
  Magda: No! What’s all the interest in Fadi?
  Harry: He 1)owes us money!
  Olivia: Oh dear.
  Magda: That sounds bad.
  Olivia: Is this what happened to his great business idea? Johnny: Mm, yes.(door’s opening) All: Fadi! Olivia: Everyone’s looking for you.
  Fadi: Aren’t they always!!!??
  Magda: Not in a good way, though.
  Fadi: Friends, friends have no worries!
  Johnny/Harry: What? What are you on about?
  Fadi: I’ve saved the day!
  Olivia: Go on. What have you done this time?
  Fadi: 2)Secured the necessary investment to make “FindLondon” a huge success!
  Harry: You have?
  Johnny: And will we get our money back?
  Fadi: If you want out then you can leave.
  Johnny: (thinking) Hmmm.
  Fadi: But be warned, you will be missing out on a major moneymaking opportunity.
  Harry: How did you save the company?
  Fadi: Erm, my uncle actually. He’s pretty rich. And he thought “FindLondon” tourist services was a really good idea! So he’s invested lots of money, and now we’re going to be rich too!
  Johnny: OK, then. I’m still in.
  Harry: Eh, me too—executive director!
  Johnny: Yeah. Well done Fadi!
  Harry: I feel like a really serious person now! A 3)proper businessman! Even Bindyu’s family will like me!
  Magda: Oh Harry! There’s more to life than money you know!!!!
  Harry: Hey, I know that, but I don’t think Bindyu’s family do.

  Choose the correct word or words in each sentence.
  1. Olivia has/hasn’t seen Fadi today.
  2. Harry has given money to Johnny/Fadi.
  3. Fadi reassures/worries everyone when he arrives.
  4. Fadi thinks the business idea is going to fail/ succeed.
  5. Fadi’s father/uncle has invested money.
  6. Harry wants to impress his girlfriend/ gilrfriend’s family.
  Complete these sentences and questions with the present perfect tense.
  1. ______ you ______ (see) Fadi?
  2. I __________ (not see) Fadi.   3. What ______ you ______ (do) this time, Fadi?
  4. Fadi ______ ______ (secure) the money the business needs.
  5. His rich uncle ______ ______ (invest) in FindLondon.
  6. Harry ______ ______ (not meet) Bindyu’s parents yet.
  7. ______ Bindyu ______ (arrived) yet?
  8. I ______ ______ (talk) to her already.
  Complete these sentences with the best word about business or money from the list.
  speculate invest owes opportunity
  investment making moneymaking rich
  1. You have to _________ to accumulate!
  2. I hear he made more than a million pounds last year—he’s extremely_________.
  3. I wonder when Fadi will pay me back—he_________ me two hundred pounds!
  4. Fadi’s always full of crazy plans and_________ ideas.
  5. You know, this FindLondon business might be the best _________ I’ve ever made.
  6. It’s a good idea to check you understand a business before you _________ in it.
  7. Many people dream of _________ lots of money, but few people manage it.
  8. This is a once-in-a-lifetime _________!
  Answers to Exercises
  1. hasn’t; 2. Fadi; 3. reassures; 4. succeed; 5. uncle; 6. grilfriend’s family
  1. Have…seen; 2. haven’t seen; 3. have…done; 4. has secured; 5. has invested; 6. hasn’t met; 7. Has…arrived; 8. have talked
  1. speculate; 2. rich; 3. owes; 4. moneymaking; 5. investment; 6. invest; 7. making; 8. opportunity
(《南京大学学报(哲社)》1985年增刊) 在民主革命阶段,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人是如何解决马克思主义普遍原理与中国革命的具体实践相结合的?
如今的网络热词可谓日新月异,层出不穷。两个月前,微博热词上从满屏的“DUANG DUANG DUANG”一夜间换成了“蓝黑+白金”。据闻那条裙子的照片是一名21岁的歌手凯特琳·麦克尼尔( Caitlin McNeill)发布的,她在接受电话采访时透露,那条裙子拍摄自她朋友的婚礼。有人认为照片里的裙子是“白金”,而有人却认为是“蓝黑”。同一个画面,甚至是同一个显示器,反差这么大,到底是你瞎还是我瞎?
美国人气独立女歌手拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)从2011年底开始迅速蹿红,人称打雷姐。她的声音充满迷人魔力,低沉而不失活力,音域宽广,是为数不多的皇家爵士演唱者。“当时人们不