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8日厚生劳动省艾滋病动向委员会发表新闻公告 ,东京都某大学病院 5 7岁男性清扫工 ,在清理手术室使用过的注射器时 ,曾反复被误刺 ,并由此意外针刺而感染了人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) ,并死于艾滋病。有关领导提出 ,鉴于外来清扫工缺乏HIV感染的相关知识 ,有必要向清扫工提? On August 8, the HIV / AIDS Council of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued a press release stating that a 57-year-old male scrubber at a university hospital in Tokyo had repeatedly been mistakenly pricked while cleaning up the syringes used in the operating room and accidentally acupuncture infected human beings Immune Deficiency virus (HIV) and died of AIDS. Relevant leaders have suggested that in view of the lack of knowledge about the lack of HIV infection among outside sweepers, is it necessary to advise sweepers?
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1 病例资料病例:女,15岁,学生。因发音嘶哑伴呼吸困难一天,由外院诊断“急性喉炎”急诊转入本院耳鼻喉科。病人于2天前受凉后感头痛、发热,续感四肢无力、疲劳、吞咽不畅,就