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美国南北战争时期,格兰特将军指挥的波托马克军团,所向无敌。战争结束后,该军团的老战士组织了“波托马克军团老战士协会”。18“年6月26日,协会举行年会。会员们听说他们的老将军当时正在温莎城堡受到维多利亚 During the American Civil War, the Potomac Legion commanded by General Grant was invincible. After the war ended, the veterans of the legion organized the ”Potomac Legion Veterans Association." 18th June, the Association held its annual meeting. Members heard that their old general was receiving Victoria from Windsor Castle at the time.
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“See there’s a dying birdin the tree,” Li called to mefrom the window. Hearingthis, I rushed over and lookedin the direction of his finger.There on the tree
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN(此成语是什么意思)? 释义:to save for a time of need, especially atime when one may really need money 以备不时之需,特别是非常需要钱的时候。 WH