The most influential trends of twentieth-century literary criticism and literary theory can be described as a rebellion against romanticist and positivist approaches that focus on the author rather than his literary product. Formalism, new criticism, structuralism, and post-structuralism all deny the importance of physiology writers, focusing only on textual processing. Roland Barthes elaborates on the author’s concept of death and receives a glimpse of the theories of Foucault and Derrida. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century after the concept was put forward, the importance of the author was again valued by the academic community. In some of the new trends, including post-colonial and gender studies, the personalization and even physical experience of physiologists seems to have become the most important dimension of literature, although this (yet) expression of individual experience is thought to have the social Meaning rather than personal meaning. The author’s reproduction is a refusal to treat literature as a self-centered game, but this should not be a reason to deny the importance of careful reading and textual analysis; after all, knowledge capital gathered in the twentieth century literary theory still deserves to be used.