Room-temperature anomalous Hall effect and magnetroresistance in(Ga,Co)-codoped ZnO diluted magnetic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moli2146
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This paper reports that the(Ga,Co)-codoped ZnO thin films have been grown by inductively coupled plasma enhanced physical vapour deposition.Room-temperature ferromagnetism is observed for the as-grown thin films.The x-ray absorption fine structure characterization reveals that Co 2+ and Ga 3+ ions substitute for Zn 2+ ions in the ZnO lattice and exclude the possibility of extrinsic ferromagnetism origin.The ferromagnetic(Ga,Co)-codoped ZnO thin films exhibit carrier concentration dependent anomalous Hall effect and positive magnetoresistance at room temperature.The mechanism of anomalous Hall effect and magneto-transport in ferromagnetic ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors is discussed. This paper reports that the (Ga, Co) -codoped ZnO thin films have been grown by inductively coupled plasma enhanced physical vapor deposition. Room-temperature ferromagnetism is observed for the as-grown thin films. The x-ray absorption fine structure characterization reveals that Co 2+ and Ga 3+ ions for Zn 2+ ions in the ZnO lattice and exclude the possibility of extrinsic ferromagnetism origin.The ferromagnetic (Ga, Co) -codoped ZnO thin films exhibit carrier concentration dependent anomalous Hall effect and positive magnetoresistance at room temperature. the mechanism of anomalous Hall effect and magneto-transport in ferromagnetic ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors is discussed.
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