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一台甘光JG304C型“傻瓜”相机,三年前最后一次使用时一切正常。如今拿出来再用发现闪光灯充不上电。经查闪光灯电路中的充电电容失效且漏电,更换电容后故障才排除。电子照相机的快门控制和闪光灯均采用电子电路。长期不用时应每隔几个月给电路通电保养一次。否则电路中的电容,尤其是电解电容器会容量减小甚至失效。造成不应有的损失。 A Kagyu JG304C “fool” camera, the last time three years ago when everything was normal. Now come up again and found that the flash is not charged. Check the flash circuit charging capacitor failure and leakage, replace the capacitor after troubleshooting. Electronic camera shutter control and flash are using electronic circuits. When not in use for a long time every few months to power the circuit once. Otherwise, the capacitance of the circuit, especially the electrolytic capacitor will decrease or even fail. Cause undue loss.
Within the CNS nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-κB) transcription factors are involved in a wide range of functions both in homeostasis and in pathology.Over the year
SDN network as new network architecture,can address a range of issues of the current internet effectively,this paper in the view of SDN network resources’ allo
欧洲纸箱加工业现状中国包协赴欧洲考察团Abstract:Europeisadevelopedareaoftheworldindustry,it'spackagingindustry,especialythesectorofcorrugatedboxe... European carton processing industry status quo China Association for the study tour to Europe Abstract: Europeisadeve
1 文献类型治疗。 2 证据水平 1b;杂志影响因子:9.835。 3 文献来源 Bell DW, Lynch TJ, Haserlat SM, et al. Epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and gene amplif
实验观察了39种国产酱油和1种瑞士酱油的致突性,以及不同浓度的亚硝酸盐对酱油致突性的影响。亚硝酸盐浓度50 mmol/L时,38种酱油对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌TA98和TA100在未加代谢活化
共收有1102项技术成果的1992年度《中国技术成果大全(工业专辑)》中刊登了下列九项制冷成果: The following nine refrigeration results were published in the 1992 China