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水是生命之源,水也是生命存在的最基本物质条件。可是,生活在美丽的东方之珠——香港的居民的却曾遭受了近百年的“制水”(限制用水)之苦,对于“水”的概念他们有着更为独特的感受。 虽说四面环海,但香港淡水储量很少。古代香港并非是缺水的荒山礁盘,时常有途径此地的航海家上岛汲水补给。香港开埠的最初20年,工农业以及生活所用水都是靠山涧溪泉的地上水和地下水解决。1863年,香港历史上第一个水库——薄扶林水塘建成供水。尽管水容量仅有32万立方米,但当时的香港居民也仅有12万,工业用水量并不大。所以,淡水供应基本自足。 Water is the source of life, water is also the most basic material conditions of existence. However, living in the beautiful Pearl of the East, Hong Kong residents have suffered nearly a hundred years of “making water” (water restriction) and have a more unique feeling about the concept of “water.” Although surrounded by the sea, Hong Kong has very few fresh water reserves. In ancient times, Hong Kong was not a shortage of reef-breaking barren hills, and navigators there frequently resorted to water supply on the island. For the first 20 years after Hong Kong was opened to traffic, the water used in agriculture, industry, and life was settled by the groundwater and groundwater of the mountain streams. In 1863, Pok Fu Lam Reservoir, the first reservoir in Hong Kong’s history, was built. Although the water capacity is only 320,000 cubic meters, Hong Kong residents were only 120,000 at that time and the industrial water consumption was not large. Therefore, fresh water supply basically self-sufficient.
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丹麦和日本的科学家经研究发现,如果夫妇在准备生孩子期间吸烟的话,生男孩的比例就可能会降低。科学家们对5372名年龄在20-49岁间的女性进行了调查, Researchers in Denmar
目的探讨系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)患者血清中抗C1q抗体及抗ENA抗体与SLE疾病活动状态和肾脏受累的关系,揭示抗C1q抗体、抗ENA抗体在疾病诊断及评判
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巍然耸立于尼罗河畔沙漠之中的古埃及国王(法老)的陵墓,从四面看,就像是汉字“金”的化身,故称金字塔。中国也有被人称为“东方金字塔”的古代陵墓。它们是: 少吴陵:少吴是
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