谋划大计 开创未来 地方科协宣传工作座谈会在井冈山召开

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本刊讯地方科协宣传工作座谈会日前在江西省井冈山市召开。中国科协书记处书记常志海代表中国科协党组到会作了重要讲话(讲话摘要另发)。出席会议的30个省、直辖市、自治区科协的60多名代表中,有20个省级科协的党组书记、主席、副主席,充分显示了对这次会议的重视。常志海在讲话中指出,科协宣传工作是党的宣传思想工作和国家科技宣传工作的重要组成部分,是科协全局工作的一项综合性工作。加强科协宣传工作,是由科协这个人民团体的性质、任务和宗旨所决定的。在新的历史时期,科协要认真贯彻党的群众路线,发挥好党和政府联系广大科技工作者的桥梁纽带作用,发挥好国家发展科技事业的重要社会力量的作用,团结和动员广大科技工作者投身于科教兴国的伟大事业,促进科技生产力的解放和发展,必须在宣传舆论上提供强有力的支持和保证。当今世界,科学技术 Journal of local science association publicity work forum recently held in Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province. China Association for Science and Technology Association Secretariat Zhi Zhihai on behalf of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology party to the meeting made an important speech (speech summary separately). Of the more than 60 representatives from 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and associations for science and technology attending the meeting, party secretaries, chairmen and vice-presidents of 20 provincial science and technology associations fully displayed the importance attached to this meeting. Chang Chih-hai pointed out in his speech that the propaganda work of the Association for Science and Technology is an important part of the party's propaganda and ideological work and national science and technology publicity work, and is a comprehensive work of the overall work of the Association for Science and Technology. The promotion of science and technology association propaganda work is determined by the nature, mission and purpose of this people's association of CAST. In the new historical period, CAST should conscientiously implement the mass line of the party and give full play to its role as a bridge linking the party and the government with the broad masses of scientists and technicians, giving play to the role of the country's important social forces in science and technology development, uniting and mobilizing the vast majority of scientific and technological work Those who devote themselves to the great cause of rejuvenating the country through science and education and promoting the liberation and development of science and technology productivity must provide strong support and guarantee in public opinion. The world today, science and technology
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