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当代空运全球化的基本构架当代美欧日等国航空运输企业相互结盟所形成的航空运输全球化,使世界航空运输市场大体上被6个航空运输“联盟”分割垄断。其基本构架是:一、美国联合、英国、汉莎、西班牙等航空公司结盟美国是世界最大的空运市场。联合航空公司是美国第二大航空公司。如何扩展国际市场,特别是欧洲市场,单靠自身力量是不够的。英国航空公司在欧洲经营着庞大的航线网,企望打进美国市场是公司的首项战略目标。因此,公司间相互合作和结盟是唯一出路。1987年,美国联 The Basic Framework of Globalization of Contemporary Air Transport Globalization of air transport formed by the alliance of air transport enterprises in the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries at present allows the world’s air transport market to be largely monopolized by the “coalition” of six air transport services. The basic framework is: First, the United States, Britain, Lufthansa, Spain and other airlines alliance The United States is the world’s largest air cargo market. United Airlines is the second largest airline in the United States. How to expand the international market, especially the European market, alone is not enough. British Airways operates a vast network of routes in Europe and is looking to enter the U.S. market as its first strategic goal. Therefore, inter-company cooperation and alliances are the only way out. In 1987, the United United
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交通工程 兰新线将铺成我国最长的无缝钢轨。5月中旬,在兰新线哈密至火石泉段,已成功铺设总长为8公里的超长无缝钢轨线路,并投入使用。 兰新铁路复线建设的制约工程——天山
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Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best. Spring is such a warm and beautiful season! Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best.
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《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》已经十届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过,将于2008年1月1日起施行。这是我国政治、经济和社会生活中的一件大事。它关系到亿万劳 The L