In 1950 Iowa pediatric orthopedic surgeon Ponseti et al [1] first proposed the concept of idiopathic scoliosis on the chest; Moe et al [2] in 1970 the upper thoracic curve confirmed as: double main chest curved idiopathic Convex upper vertebra in T1 or T2, the lower vertebra in the T5 or T6 between the curvature. The author believes that the following points should be clarified when discussing structural upper chest flexion: (1) structural upper thoracic curve exists only in the dorsal curvature of the double main thoracic curve; (2) since the typical AIS major thoracic curve is both right , So structural upper thoracic curve is generally the left curve; (3) Structural upper thoracic curve is important because it is considered to be related to the balance of the shoulders, especially the level of the left shoulder.