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我省广大农村即將进入搶收早稻和搶插晚稻的紧張时期,加上天气日趋炎热,极易引起中暑和夏令傳染病的流行。为了保証我省夏种夏收工作的胜利完成和群众的健康,做好当前卫生工作显得特別重要。因此,要求各級党委和政府积极采取措施,認真做好这一工作。一、在当前农事极为繁忙的季节里,各級党委和政府,应把防暑和預防各种疾病的工作和除四害講卫生运动紧密地結合起来,統一部署,合理安排进行,并通知各級生产办公室根据当前季节特点和中心任务,在不降低工效的前提下,必須适当地掌握劳动强度,妥善地安排劳动力。要教育干部正确認識搞好夏季卫生工作对保护劳动力的重要意义,經常关心这方面的情况,发現問題及时解决。 The vast rural areas in our province are about to enter the intense period of grabbing early rice and sequestering late rice, coupled with the increasingly hot weather, which can easily lead to the spread of heat stroke and summer-onset infectious diseases. In order to ensure the success of the summer planting work and the health of the masses in our province, it is particularly important to do a good job in the current health work. Therefore, the party committees and governments at various levels are required to take active measures to conscientiously do this work. First, in the current extremely busy season of agriculture, party committees and governments at all levels should closely integrate the work of preventing summer heat and preventing various diseases from the campaign of eliminating pests and diseases, and make arrangements in a unified manner and make reasonable arrangements and inform all levels According to the characteristics of the current season and the central task of production office, without reducing the efficiency of the premise, we must properly grasp the labor intensity, properly arrange the workforce. We must educate cadres to correctly understand the importance of doing a good job in safeguarding the workforce in the summer and should always care about the situation in this area and find out if problems are solved in time.
宋徽宗赵佶(1101—1125年)铸造了建国、圣宋、崇宁、大观、政和、重和、宣和钱,其中“崇宁通宝”、“大观通宝”、“宣和通宝”背穿上“陕”字为宋徽宗赵佶亲书瘦金体钱文,铁画银钩、纤细俊美,潇洒飘逸、挺拔遒劲,气韵贯通,精妙绝伦,与新莽钱堪称中国钱法“二圣”。其中“崇宁通宝”被世人评为“宋代第一泉”,“大观通宝”形制精美,也不逊“崇宁”,尤以当十大钱为最。  我近期返里侍亲,在该地藏市偶得“大观通
2013年12月4日,西部数据在京举行了WD Black2双驱动器硬盘新品上市发布会,发布了这款独特创新的双驱动存储解决方案。它能够同时为用户带来SSD的极致速度和HDD的主流容量(120
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园林工程项目管理是一门实践性很强的学科,没有现成的模式可以借鉴,但笔者认为万变不离其中,即在掌握工程原理的基础上科学合理地推行目标责任制。 Garden project manageme