Research on Guidance Mechanism of Public Opinion in Colleges and Universities in Micro Era

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  【Abstract】The coming of the era of mobile Internet has promoted the rapid rise of micro era of the Internet. The media in the micro era is the concentrated presentation and direct reflection of public opinion. Nowsays, Micro-media has ben regarded as the most fashionable and direct form of public opinion characterized by some hidden controllability, superficial and emotional features.
  【Key words】Micro era; Media; Guide
  【作者簡介】Shao Zhu Jian, Qilu University of Technology.
  The coming of the era of mobile Internet has promoted the rapid rise of the Internet era. Micro-age is a proposition of the times that carries multiple contexts and is an extension of the development of the network in stages. The advent of micro era has brought great challenges to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities as well as opportunities.
  1. Introduction of micro-era media
  Micro era reagard micro-mobile Internet as the main medium to exchange micro-information (including text,video,etc.)forming a micro-context,which formed the cultural characteristics of the network under the joint participation of majority of Internet users. The freedom of speech in the micro-world is high to some degree and netizens can freely speak. However,public opinion is not the result of individual judgment by Internet users,but also result of the influence and coercion of different stakeholder groups. In particular,with the direct intervention of network opinion leaders,once a certain kind of online opinion formed,it will spread rapidly and continuously strengthen the effect of blind obedience. As for its justification of speech,the authenticity of information has become less important.
  2. Micro-media bring college students’ ideological and political educationunder challenges
  2.1 The intensity of the ideological struggle has been intensified
  The complexity and struggle of the media in the era of micro-times have further intensified the space and intensity of the ideological struggle between the enemy and ourselves. Due to the obscurity of the network and the good permeability of the micro-platform,it is difficult for the media to identify the identity and value recognition of participants.
  2.2 The negative thinking seriously affected the spread of mainstream values
  With the advent of economic restructuring and the tide of social reform,various social thoughts such as liberalism and money worship came into being,seriously affecting the behavior of Internet users. For young students with limited social experience and limited ability to judge,the negative and irrational dissemination of ideas easily shakes the thinking of college students and hinders the establishment of college students’ mainstream values.   3. Colleges and universities micro-platform public opinion guidance mechanism
  3.1 Into the micro-environment,the establishment of micro-platform
  University educators must integrate into the micro-environment and establish a micro-platform to play the role of colleges and universities in the micro-environment. Colleges and universities should go deep into the platform and grasp the public opinion dynamicsin order to looking for the “flames” of intensifying public opinion and preventing them from getting in the way and take preventive measures.
  3.2 Identification and training of network opinion leaders
  The ideological and political education in colleges and universities should be good at identifying active opinion leaders in the micro-environment of colleges and universities,guiding micro-media and educating and guiding the opinion leaders so that they will become opinion leaders with a sense of justice. We should maintain regular communication with micro-leaders,through words and deeds to gradually consolidate the network of moral and legal awareness in order to develop their network of responsibility.
  3.3 Cultivation of students a good ability to distinguish
  As the proveb goes,“To teach people to fish than to teach fish”. A good way of thinking and ability to discern can help analyze and treat the problem,get the right choice at the same time and establish a correct outlook on life values. Attention should be paid to the cultivation of independent thinking ability of undergraduates. Realistic needs should be avoided as accomplices and victims of cyberbullying in order to cultivate good thinking ability and discernment ability of undergraduates.
  [1]Li Liangrong.Introduction to Journalism[M].Shanghai: Fudan University Press,2001: 49.
【摘要】随着国际交流机会的增多,英语使用率已经大大提高,英语已经成为很多国家的第二大语言。所以英语在当今时代下是备受关注的教育,如何提高中专英语教学质量是新时期的重点探究。在实际教学中,中专英语教学还存在很多的问题和挑战,“翻转课堂”教学模式为中专英语教学开辟了新路径。本文就“翻转课堂”的设计及应用方面进行探究。  【关键词】中专英语;英语教学;翻转课堂  【作者简介】史月美,江苏省泰兴中等专业学
【摘要】随着我国教学改革的推进,中职教师在教学时应该要制定比较科学的教学方式,这样才能够达到教学目标,增强学生的英语水平。但是在实际的中职英语教学中,教师没有从学生的个性出发,给予他们相应的指导,最终影响其学习质量。本文通过对中职英语分层教学管理问题进行分析,从而制定科学的应对策略,提高中职英语教学效率。  【关键词】中职英语;分层教学;管理问题;应对策略  【作者简介】陈培,江苏省宿豫中等专业学
【摘要】任务型教学法是一种被广泛采用的语言教学方法。继教育部提出将任务型教学法运用于英语教育当中,任务型教学法成了我国英语课程改革的核心概念和实践活动。本文分析了任务型教学法在中职英语课堂上的运用现状,提出应该选择符合中职英语教学特征的任务类型、优化教学环节,完善评价方式,从而提高中职英语课堂效率和教学质量。  【关键词】任务型教学法;中职英语教学;任务类型;教学环节;评价方式  【作者简介】马小
【摘要】研究性学习是高职英语教学课堂的重要组成部分,以现阶段高职院校英语课堂教学情况为基础,结合近年来研究性学习活动设计的特点,分析在高职英语课堂教学中设计研究性学习活动的内容,以此优化整体教学环境,提升实际课堂教学效率和质量。  【关键词】高职;英语课堂;研究性;学习活动  【作者简介】蔡赟赟,江苏省南京工程高等职业学校。  随着社会经济的不断发展,科技技术的不断创新,教育改革也在深入进行。其中
【摘要】应用型高校的大学英语课程教学目标是培养具备“英语知识 专业知识”的复合型、应用型人才,满足学生毕业后在管理、经济、贸易、金融等领域的职业需求。而词汇教学是英语教学的基础,应用型高校大学英语词汇教学应与其他领域知识相结合,理论教学与实践教学相结合,既要教授学生科学的、有效的词汇记忆方法,避免死记硬背,又要提高学生学习的主动性,还得将学过的词汇应用于听说读写的交际活动中。  【关键词】应用型高
【Abstract】As we all know, language is a tool for communication. For Chinese students, learning English as a foreign language is designed to enable students to master another communication tool so that
【摘要】因材施教是我国伟大教育家孔子提出的教育思想,说的就是我们要根据学生的实际学习情况进行更加科学的针对性教育,从而让学生得到更好的发展。在当前的初中英语教学中,教学效果非常有限,就是因为教学的针对性不够,使得学生的英语思维和综合能力难以提升。这就要初中英語教师加强教学研究,实现因材施教。本文主要从当前的实际教学情况出发,结合学生的学习特点,从多方面论述初中英语教学中如何实现因材施教。  【关键