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目的:研究氮、磷、钾及其配比对朝鲜白头翁生长、产量、总皂苷含量以及养分吸收的影响,以期为朝鲜白头翁规范化栽培技术的建立提供理论依据。方法:采用三因素二次饱和D-最优设计进行田间试验,定期取样,测定植株氮、磷、钾的含量、农艺性状、产量及其总皂苷含量。结果:朝鲜白头翁植株对氮的吸收最多,钾次之,磷最少,不同生育时期养分含量不同,同一生育时期不同器官养分含量也不相同,其地上部分养分含量总体高于地下部分,出苗到7月中旬植株对氮、磷、钾的吸收比例高于生长后期;施肥能显著提高朝鲜白头翁药材产量,氮、磷、钾元素对朝鲜白头翁药材产量影响依次为氮>钾>磷,氮、磷、钾元素对朝鲜白头翁总皂苷含量影响依次为氮>钾>磷。结论:朝鲜白头翁在大田栽培中应合理配比施肥,生长前期及时追施氮、磷、钾肥,并适当提高钾的比例。依据朝鲜白头翁总皂苷产量提出朝鲜白头翁优化施肥方案为氮(N)180 kg/hm2、磷(P2O5)79.74 kg/hm2、钾(K2O)225kg/hm2,氮、磷、钾的最佳配比为2.3∶1.0∶2.8。 Objective: To study the effects of N, P, K and their ratio on the growth, yield, total saponin content and nutrient absorption of Pulsatilla wallichii in order to provide a theoretical basis for the establishment of standardized cultivation technology of Pulsatilla. Methods: Field experiments were carried out with three factors, the second saturation-D-optimal design. Samples were taken periodically to determine the content of plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, agronomic traits, yield and total saponin content. Results: Pulsatilla chinensis had the highest absorption of nitrogen, followed by potassium, the least phosphorus and different nutrient contents at different growth stages. The nutrient contents of different organs in the same growth stage were also different. The aboveground nutrient content was higher than the underground part, Phosphorus, potassium and potassium absorption rate was higher than that in the late growth stage. Fertilization could significantly increase the yield of Pulsatilla chinensis. The effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on yield of Pulsatilla chinensis followed by nitrogen> potassium> phosphorus, nitrogen, phosphorus, The effect of potassium on the content of total saponins in Pulsatilla chinensis was nitrogen> potassium> phosphorus. Conclusion: Pulsatilla asiatica should be fertilized rationally in the field and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be timely chased in the early growth stage and the proportion of potassium should be properly increased. According to the production of Pulsatilla saponin in North Korea, the optimized plan of Pulsatilla asiatica was 180 kg / hm2 nitrogen, 79.74 kg / hm2 of P2O5 and 225 kg / hm2 of K2O, and the optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 2.3: 1.0: 2.8.