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田桐(1870—1930),字梓琴,笔名恨海、玄玄等,湖北蕲春人。同盟会早期成员,是辛亥革命时期革命派报刊宣工作的骨干。1905年参加《二十世纪之支那》杂志的编辑出版工作;1906年参加柳亚子主办的《复报》的编辑工作;1907年受孙中山先生所派,主编新加坡《中兴日报》,与保皇派报刊论战经年。1911年潜赴北京,创办《国风日报》和《国光新闻》,积极“倡导民权立宪”,揭露抨击袁世凯政府的专制独裁。袁世规为了拉拢田桐,就派田桐的旧友,当时的农林部次长张仲华带了张十万元支票去贿赂田桐。田知张的来意,避而不见,让报社经理李基鸿接待。张出示支票,商请改变新闻言论,不要再攻击政府。李基鸿根据田桐的指示予以拒绝。袁世凯行贿不成,又指示部下行刺田桐。幸田外出免遭毒手。友人劝他要有所戒 Tian Tong (1870-1930), Zi Zi Qin, pen name hate sea, mysterious Hyun, Hubei Hunchun. The early members of the League are the backbone of the propaganda work of the revolutionaries in the 1911 Revolution. In 1905, he participated in the editorial and publishing work of “The Twentieth Century Zhina” magazine; In 1906, he participated in the editing of “Respire” hosted by Liu Yazi; In 1907, he was sent by Dr. Sun Yat-sen to edit “ZTE Daily News” in Singapore, After years. In 1911, he went to Beijing to establish “Guofeng Daily” and “Guoguang News” and actively “advocated constitutional civil rights,” exposing the authoritarian dictatorship that attacked the government of Yuan Shikai. In order to win over Tian Tong, Yuan Shui-pai sent Tian Tong’s old friend Zhang Zhong-hua, then minister of agriculture and forestry, with tens of thousands of yuan of checks to bribe Tian Tong. Tian Zhi Zhang’s intention, avoided, so that the newspaper manager Li Kehong reception. Zhang presents a check, business, please change the news statements, do not attack the government. Li Kehong refused according to the instructions of Tian Tong. Yuan Shikai bribed fails, but also instructed the Department under the assassination of Tin Tong. Koda out to avoid being poisoned. Friends advised him to quit
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