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在中国科学技术协会、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科学院海外科技咨询中心、中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会等单位的大力支持和资助下,中国自然资源研究会青年委员会发起并组织了“海峡两岸(合港澳)经济持续发展的资源与环境青年学者研讨会”,旨在加强两岸青年学者的共同理解和相互交流,探索在未来经济合作与发展中,两岸在资源与环境的开发利用与保护方面的相互补充,共同承担的责任以及合作带来的效益等。会议于1992年7月21—25日在北京召开,来自中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门地区的53名青年学者参加了大会,中国科协副主席庄逢甘教授、国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作局局长张连仲教授来会指导并讲了话,王慧炯、程鸿、邬翊光、石玉林、程潞、杨建国、赵训经等许多老 Under the strong support and funding from the China Association for Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Overseas Science and Technology Advisory Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Youth Commission of China's Natural Resources Research Institute has initiated and organized the " Hegang, Hong Kong and Macao) Seminar on Youth and Scholars in Sustainable Development of Economy and Environment aims at strengthening common understanding and mutual exchanges among young scholars across the Taiwan Strait and exploring ways for the development, utilization and protection of resources and the environment between the two sides in the future economic cooperation and development Complement each other, shared responsibilities and the benefits of cooperation. The meeting was held in Beijing from July 21 to July 25, 1992. 53 young scholars from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao attended the conference. Professor Zhuang Fengkang, vice chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Professor Zhang Lianzhong will guide and talked. Wang Huijiong, Cheng Hong, Wu Yi Guang, Shi Yulin, Cheng Lu, Yang Jianguo, Zhao Xun Jing and many other old
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