选特色优秀节目 亮农民文化风采——辽源市群众艺术馆选送节目参加吉林省第二届“农民文化节”

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本刊讯2016年辞旧迎新之际,第二届吉林省“农民文化节”迎新年专场文艺演出在长春市东方大剧院隆重上演。本次演出由省委宣传部、省农委、省文化厅、省新闻出版广电局、省文联、省作协主办,省群众艺术馆承办。参加本次演出的演员来自全省九个地(市)州的乡镇村屯,节目经过严格选拔,优中选优,参演人员430余人。在2016年新年即将到来之际为广大农民奉上了一道文化的精美大餐。在此次文艺汇演中,辽源市群众艺术馆 The news of the 2016 New Year greetings, the second session of Jilin Province “Peasant Cultural Festival ” New Year’s special theatrical performances staged in Changchun City Grand Theater. The performance by the Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Provincial Department of Culture, Provincial Bureau of Press, Broadcasting and Television Bureau, Provincial Federation of literary and art circles, the Provincial Writers Association hosted the Provincial Museum of Mass. The performers participating in this performance come from villages and towns villages in nine prefectures (cities) in the province. The programs have been strictly selected, with excellent and excellent candidates and more than 430 participating personnel. At the dawn of the 2016 New Year, a great cultural meal for the vast number of peasants will be offered. In this art show, the mass art museum in Liaoyuan City
1月28日,市文联主席、党组书记张炳志带领文联机关全体同志和市书协、市摄影家协会志愿者一行20余人,深入对口帮扶贫困村——汝阳县丁沟村,开展“送万福进万家”公益活动,为18户“一对一”结对帮扶贫困户送上春节慰问品、春联和“福”字,得到了群众的一致好评。  2月3日上午,市文联主席张炳志陪同市委宣传部长杨炳旭看望了我市部分老艺术家。在这新春到来之际,送去了最美好的祝福。  2月4日,市文联主席张炳志
8月25日,笔者在四川省通江县民兵训练基地目睹了参训女民兵的风采。这里撷取几个片断,以飨读者。 “假小子”——刘丽 这是来自铁佛区造纸印刷厂的姑娘,看上去一身男孩子打
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