Comparisons of Protein Composition of Grains at Different Positions in Panicles between Erect and Cu

来源 :Agricultural Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boy1000cn
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Under field conditions,three erect panicle type japonica rice cultivars and three curved panicle type japonica rice cultivars were applied as experimental materials to investigate the differences of protein composition of grains at different positions in panicles between two different panicle types of japonica rice. According to the results,the panicle type of japonica rice had no direct correlation with albumin content,globulin content,prolamin content and glutelin content in rice,variations of protein composition of grains at different positions in panicles. There were certain correlations between soluble protein contents at different grain positions in the same panicle and the flowering order of glumous flowers in the panicle. Albumin content,prolamin content and glutelin content in grains on secondary rachis branches of two panicle types( erect and curved) of japonica rice cultivars were higher than that on primary rachis branches,while globulin content exhibited an opposite trend. Globulin content,prolamin content and glutelin content in grains at different positions demonstrated a descending order of bottom > middle >top,while albumin content exhibited an opposite trend. The interactions between primary and secondary rachis branches and among top,middle and bottom rachis branches significantly affected soluble protein contents. Under field conditions, three erect panicle type japonica rice cultivars and three curved panicle type japonica rice cultivars were applied as experimental materials to investigate the differences of protein composition of grains at different positions in panicles between two different panicle types of japonica rice. According to the results, the panicle type of japonica rice had no direct correlation with albumin content, globulin content, prolamin content and glutelin content in rice, variations of protein composition of grains in different in in panicles. There were certain correlations between soluble protein contents at different grain positions in the same panicle and the flowering order of glumous flowers in the panicle. Albumin content, prolamin content and glutelin content in grains on secondary rachis branches of two panicle types (erect and curved) of japonica rice cultivars were higher than that on primary rachis branches, while globulin content exhibited an opposite trend Globulin content, prolamin content and glutelin content in grains at different altitudes a descending order of bottom> middle> top, while albumin content demonstrated an opposite trend. The interactions between primary and secondary rachis branches and among top, middle and bottom rachis branches affected soluble protein contents.
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