1 艾滋病疫情概况伊犁哈萨克自治州管辖伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰三地区及奎屯市24县(市),总面积为35万平方公里,总人口 377.5万.我州于1995年在奎屯市首次检出第1例外地人员艾滋病病毒感染者,继而于1996年元月在对伊宁市吸毒人群进行肝炎监测中发现首批9例静脉吸毒艾滋病病毒感染者,其后,艾滋病疫情迅速扩大,每年的感染人数均成倍增长,据监测数据显示,1996年一年中,伊宁市吸毒人群HIV感染率上升了8.7倍,1998年对社区干预试点内58名吸毒者进行HIV抗体初筛,阳性率为82.76%.1999年监
1 AIDS Epidemic Situation The Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture has jurisdiction over the three counties of Yili, Tacheng and Altay as well as the 24 counties (cities) in Kuitun with a total area of 350,000 square kilometers and a total population of 3,775,000. The state first detected in Kuitun in 1995 One case of HIV-infected persons outside the province and then the first batch of 9 cases of HIV-infected persons were found to be infected with HIV in Yining City in January 1996. Since then, the AIDS epidemic has rapidly expanded and the number of people infected each year According to the monitoring data, HIV infection rate among drug abusers in Yining increased by 8.7 times during the year of 1996. In 1998, 58 HIV-infected drug users in the community intervention pilot were screened for HIV antibody, the positive rate was 82.76 %. 1999 supervision