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  王佩文是一个爱“臭美”的女生,但因为直升机大多都是全景天窗,一旦飞行就要接受阳光直射的“洗礼”,所以她不得不接受晒黑的“事实”。“单发直升机”大部分是没有空调的,夏天座舱里温度达到40摄氏度是经常的事,满身汗味她也不得不接受。有一次她回北京,凌晨3点落地,拖着大行李箱坐出租车回家,司机看她一副离家很久的样子,就随口问她:“你想家吗?”她只答了一个字:“想。”“那一刻我觉得挺孤单的,但这就是我选择的路,因为热爱,所以习惯了就好。”   热爱让王佩文飞得畅快,乐趣也让王佩文越来越热爱飞行。“飞行对我来说是一件很好玩的事情。飞之前,我要自己看天气,判断云高、风速、风向、能见度,自己看地图,自己量坐标点,算油量,算重量平衡,算地速。和民航比起来,我飞得会比较‘原始’一点,但乐趣也就在这。”
  It was winter of 2013. Wang Peiwen was flying through the snow mountains of Ganshu Province 3,000 meters above sea level when she came to this seemingly normal valley. Nothing unusual was observed beforehand, but seconds after she flew in, a strong downward torrent appeared out of nowhere. She instantly increased engine output, but could not stop the aircraft from falling. Without hesitation, she decided to gain speed and "detach" from the torrent by sacrificing certain altitude for precious momentum. She pulled out of the upcoming danger in time, and as she looked back, a chill went up her spine as she saw saplings on the cliffs shaking precariously in the intensified torrent. She recalled,“If I came to the situation a little bit slower, or stayed there for several more seconds, the aircraft would be dragged into the air toque. Considering the complex terrain, the consequences would be disastrous.”
  Wang Peiwen has become a resourceful pilot today, but who could have imagined, that this beautiful girl used to an airline stewardess.
  Flying Dream
  When she was 9 years old and went with her family to see her cousin off at an airport, a file of air stewardess arriving at the airport caught her attention. Impressed with admiration, she whispered to her mother, “When I grow up, I want to be one of them.” By the time she went to college, she applied for the Cabin Stewardess Major without a second thought. After graduation, she went on to work in a private airline in Shanghai. A childhood dream coming true, Wang Peiwei was fully devoted to the job. But as time went on, she felt that the reality was a far cry from her dream. She started to consider “doing something meaningful for aviation.”
  But doing what? She had no clue, not until she came to know a South Korean female captain, Angel Zo. Before becoming a pilot, Angel was a receptionist at a Hilton Hotel where the crews of Korean Airlines stay. But one day, seeing a female pilot removed her cap and let her hair flow in front her, she decided that she wanted to be a pilot just like that. She summoned all her courage to seek knowledge and experience from the pilots, and after a series of training and examination, she made it. Wang Peiwen finds her expression in Angel's words. “She is fortunate to choose a road most women would not consider. But whichever road you take, as long as you are committed, you will find a better view behind the window.” A hotel receptionist could turn to a pilot- such inspiring story convinced her that it is not impossible for her to become a pilot.   Hearing the "views" of others may inspire admiration, but seeing the "view" for yourself is what helps you make up your mind. During a ferry flight from Hongqiao airport to the nearby Pudong airport, she went into the cockpit, and was awe struck by the beauty of the night sky. After returning home, she thought for 48 hours, and decided to make a call to the President of her graduating university.
  From Cabin to Cockpit
  Learning about the requirements for pilot training through that call, she was more determined to her pursuit of the flying dream. In August 2011, she embarked on her training journey. For a girl who had left the campus for years, it is not an easy job to catch up on the science courses. Each day, she would go to study at the library at 7 am and study with an emergency lamp after the dorm light is out until 1 am. In 5 months, she completed the theory courses which would normally take 2 years. Majoring in helicopter, she was assigned to the Xinjin Campus of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) for on-the-aircraft training, which just welcomed its new helicopter fleet and the first group of self-funded students, including entrepreneurs and flying enthusiasts, with whom Wang Peiwen had made a lot of friends.
  As a female, she performed as well as any male trainee. She was the first female pilot to fly solo in her Bell Team. The training went on smoothly for her most of the time, but there was one incident that Wang Peiwen still remembers to this day. It was her first “solo flight”, meaning seating beside her was a sandbag instead of her instructor. For lack of experience, she forgot to check the instruments before taking off, as you could guess, the control stick happened to be in the wrong position. She climbed up, increased pitch, and pulled the helicopter up. But because the control stick was in a backward position, the helicopter was quickly pulled tail down, nearly hitting the ground. Luckily, her instructor warned her in time to push the control stick forward, and prevented bigger danger. After that incident, she wrote on her flying log, “Only pilots who keep sound safety records are really outstanding pilots.”
  Following the training program, she passed the flying test, and became a professional helicopter pilot, successfully moving from the cabin to cockpit. As she said, if your ambition is in the blue sky, pursue it and you will be able to fly.
  An Ongoing Journey
  "Once you started to fly, you would not want to stop", said Wang Peiwen. Last year, she completed a proud mission - flying a helicopter from Ganshu to Beijing with two stopovers. Her partner is a military turned civilian captain. “He had amazing skills, only not quite family with civil aviation regulations."   Although she was co-pilot in this mission, her task is not easy. At the last day of the mission, they had to fly the helicopter from Baotou to Beijing. Daytime in winter is short, and they must arrive at Beijing before sunset. But because the Baotou airport is occupied, they had to stay on hold. Their original plan was to depart at 2pm, but they were not allowed to take off until 3pm. But just before they depart, a heavy wind struck the airport. It was tailwind for their flight. “When the control tower asked when can we take off, I calculated the wind speed, and replied, no later than 3:40.” They took off at the exact time as she estimated, and with the "help" of the tailwind, they managed to arrive at Beijing before sunset. It may not sound like a big deal, but she was motivated by the responsibility and trust put in her.
  Wang Peiwen loves to keep beautiful, but she had to live with the “reality” of being suntanned, because every time she fly, she would be bathed in sunlight coming through the panoramic cockpit of most helicopters. Another nuisance she had to bear with is the sweat, as most single engine helicopters have no air-conditioning in the cockpit, the temperature of which could easily exceed 40 degrees Celsius in summer. Once, she landed in Beijing at 3 am. When she pulled her luggage to a taxi, the driver, guessing that she must have been out of home for a while, asked her "do you miss home". "Yes" she replied. "At that moment, I felt so lonely, but this is the road I choose, out of love, sooner or later I will get used to it."
  She enjoys flying, not just out of passion, but also for the fun. "Flying is fun. Before I fly, I would check the weather and calculate the altitude of clouds, wind speed, wind direction, and visibility. I would study maps, measure coordinates, and calculate fuel, weight & balance, and low speed. Compared with civil aviation, my job is quite primeval, but that is fun part."
  Still a new hand, flying is and will remain to be the dream and hope for Wang Peiwen. Deep inside, she looked at aircraft as her wings which flies her around. At the end of the interview, she told U-Jet, "I hope to stay in this circle. When I can't fly anymore, I want to be an instructor, just so I can talk with people who love flying."
小时候第一次看到天上的飞机,吴昊就驻足不前直到看不见为止。从那个时候起,一粒希望长大后能开着飞机在天空中飞翔的种子就深埋在他的心底。如今,儿时的梦想照进了现实,除了自己飞翔,他还在帮助更多的人一起飞翔。  经历改变命运  吴昊8岁时就随父母移民澳大利亚,上世纪80年代的澳大利亚和现在完全不同,那时候当地的中国人非常少。从上小学开始,他就生活在完全西化的环境里,周围的朋友、同学多数是欧洲裔和澳洲原住
中国民用直升机未来10年、20年的发展将会是怎样的?  美国直升机学会、中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会、中国直升机产业发展协会等机构的专家  在2014年中国民用直升机发展论坛上对此问题进行了深入地探讨。  在首届中国民用直升机发展论坛上,300余名来自政府相关机关的专家领导、直升机制造商、警务机关、搜索救援组织、海油业务服务商、融资供应商与主要直升机行业解决方案提供商,就中国民用直升机市场政策和法
宋洋,这个拿着笔和纸“飞翔”在世界天空的“坏”男孩,如今已经成功地实现并超越了他的野心。他不仅是画家还是动漫艺术家、雕塑家、设计师、音乐人、作家、企业家、时尚引领者……凭借勤奋和努力,宋洋在艺术和创意的世界,实现了多种可能性人生。  本期,宋洋为《私人飞机》创作的封面作品——《Badgirl之飞翔的感知》是他经典画作形象的延续。这幅画或许是他内心不断牵挂的某个遗存,多年前他在法国一次个展时一面与艺
今年9月,一年一度的“私人飞机名车榜”即将“开炉”。作为《私人飞机》杂志的读者,他们是私人飞机机主,他们是飞行玩家,他们是公务机出行的常客,他们是最懂得享受生活的一群人。这样的圈层,他们青睐的座驾、购车的倾向、选车的标准又是怎样的?究竟是速度,还是环保、新潮、轻盈、荣尊……总之,他们的爱车不经意间都会透露出车主的审美情趣和生活方式。  下面,我们就请3位飞行生活享受者,来讲述他们眼中的车与品位。 
拥有珍贵的红色定制施坦威钢琴,红酒、雪茄也挑最有品质的品牌,玩马球、开飞机、炫漂移,奔五的王兆春仍然热衷时尚、引领潮流,这不,他又预订了两辆如今蹿红的特斯拉,电桩早已安装完毕,只待爱车归巢。  有人说特斯拉让社会顶层的富人们对电动汽车有了购买的欲望,它与之前新能源汽车的推广方式相比,它走了一条完全不同的路。它将产品定位于超级跑车和豪华车,并将其包装为跨界时尚奢侈品。其瞄准最愿意尝试新鲜事物的人群—
为了自己的艺术生活理想,完美主义者金锡顺从不曾停歇。都说烦恼随执着而生,但相比于她从坚守文化中得到的快乐,不值一提。  超脱利益的人文立场  在很多时候,金锡顺都处于理性的状态,但不可否认,她有时也会冲动。她会在理性思考的基础上做出超出人们预期的决定。“诚品建筑”是金锡顺做的第一个房地产项目,当时正值行业的黄金期,几乎所有的开发商满脑子想的都是如何能缩短项目的开发周期,让资金周转加速。而她却带着浓
睿智儒雅但含蓄内敛,行事低调但内在光华。来到他家,看到他本人,才发现宋军与他的爱车匹配度极高。作为辉腾3.0L全球首位车主,宋军深谙传统文化底蕴,家中古籍善本环绕,佛香袅袅,在他看来,古籍代表着我们民族的文化传承,也是我们祖先世世代代累积的精神财富。这就不难理解他为何青睐辉腾,这款代表了大众造车技艺最高水平,传承德国累斯顿800年手工传统的汽车。  “这款车非常符合我的价值观。它并不是那种一看就很
“2014年,全球共有1645位富豪净资产超过10亿美元,中国富豪的数量位居世界第二。中国新财富人群的生活方式正在发生改变,通用航空产业在中国进入方兴未艾、蓬勃发展的新阶段,正逐渐成为公务、通勤航空市场的主战场之一。  汉华航空、国都航空与耀莱航空的合并重组,无疑将会是中国公务航空领域在这一年最值得让人铭记的大事之一。这不仅仅意味着揭开了三家航空公司发展历史上崭新的一页,更意味着合作方对中国未来通
每年7、8、9月间,是野生菌爱好者的节日,因为彼时正是云南各样野生菌蓬勃上市的季节。等了一年饥肠辘辘的人千里迢迢到云南,沉下来,每天用新鲜的各种叫不出名字的肥嫩喜人的菌子把自己喂饱,吃到浑身都充满了菌子带来的大山灵气,然后叹一口气说,这才是鲜美的生活。  July, August and September are the best months for fungus lovers to feas
你是不是厌倦了一成不变的配套珠宝?  何不尝试将珠宝叠戴,  打造更加有趣迷人的你。  什么样的佩戴方式能让  你的珠宝发挥1+1>2的效果,  怎样的组合会凸显创意与优雅而不显繁复,  无论在哪种场合都成为焦点,  性感女神莫小棋在u-jet教你项链混搭新玩法。