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我国对独联体国家,特别是对俄罗斯的经贸关系已经发展到了一个重要阶段。一、独联体市场不容忽视。独联体是个将近有3亿人口的大市场。从历史上来看,其消费水乎和购买力仅次于北美和欧洲市场。北美市场、欧洲市场和许多其它地区市场因建立了各类经济集团而成为程度不同的区域性封闭市场,进入这些市场的难度和竞争日益加强。独联体市场因经互会解散而成为当今世界上最大的真正的自由市场。独联体国家尽管经济不景气,但由于其资源丰富和强大的发展潜力而日益成为各个工业发达国家的争夺目标。作为具有得天独厚条件的近邻,我们必须看到独联体市场对发展我国对外经贸合作和市场多元化的重要性及其战略意义,不能因独联体各国经济困难而轻视这个市场,更不能因搞短期行为而使我们在这个传统市场上举步不前。二、开拓独联体市场的战略考虑。我们应当制定一个中长期的纲要,来克服由于个体、集体、国营一齐上的、盲目、无组织、无计划、缺乏针对性而造成的一系列消极因素,并为达到全方位、多层次、多领域地同独联体国家开展持久的经贸合作关系创造良好条件。我国当前正在实行社会主义市场经济,但任何市场经济都离不开宏观调控。为此,我们可根据独联体国家的历史、地 China’s economic and trade relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States, especially Russia, have reached an important stage. First, the CIS market can not be ignored. The CIS is a large market with a population of nearly 300 million. Historically, its consumption and purchasing power are second only to North American and European markets. The North American market, the European market, and many other regional markets have become regionally closed markets of varying degrees due to the establishment of various types of economic groups, and the difficulty and competition to enter these markets has increased. The CIS market has become the largest real free market in the world today due to the dissolution of the CIS. In spite of the economic downturn, the Commonwealth of Independent States has increasingly become the target of competition among various industrialized countries due to its abundant resources and strong potential for development. As a close neighbor with unique conditions, we must see the importance and strategic significance of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) market for the development of China’s foreign trade and economic cooperation and market diversification. We must not underestimate this market because of the economic difficulties of the CIS countries, let alone engage in Short-term behavior has caused us to stand still in this traditional market. Second, the development of the CIS market strategic considerations. We should formulate a medium and long-term outline to overcome a series of negative factors caused by individual, collective, and state-owned, blind, unorganized, unplanned, and lacking pertinence, and to achieve all-round, multi-level, and multi-level The areas of cooperation with the CIS countries have created favorable conditions for long-term economic and trade cooperation. China is currently implementing a socialist market economy, but any market economy cannot be separated from macroeconomic control. To this end, we can base on the history of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States
一是商品竞争。已由重视商品数量发展到重视商品质量、品种、价格、营养、款式等多方面; 二是行业竞争。已由独家经营,发展到多种经济成分并存的局面; 三是流通竞争。已由原