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英语课程提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效的语言教学途径和方法,尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。教授每一篇课文前,我们应该想想,这篇课文在生活中能找到吗?与生活相联系了吗?我设计的教学过程有效吗?案例:译林小学英语三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me Storytime的一节公开课,主要的教学内容是学习服装以及It’s great!How nice!等表示赞美的词汇。教授完单词之后,授课教师要求同桌之间用不同程度的体态语互相赞美衣服,结果学生们面露难色,不 The English curriculum advocates language teaching methods and methods that emphasize both the language learning process and the students’ learning outcomes, and create as many opportunities for students to use the language in the real context as much as possible. Before teaching each text, we should think about it. Can this text be found in life? Is it linked with life? Is the teaching process designed by me effective? Case: The English translation of Primary Three in English Unit 5 Look at Me Storytime section of an open class, the main teaching content is to learn clothing and It’s great! How nice! And so praise words. After the professor finished the word, the instructor asked the same table between different levels of body language to praise each other clothes, the results show that the students face disconcerting, not
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那天上完课,正是晌午。太阳晒得我眼睛都睁不开,只想快点坐上公交车回家。公交车站上人满为患,我只能从人缝中寻找位 That day finished class, it is noon. I can not open
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