
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenhight
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去年以来,全镇上下牢牢锁定“三年打造新青口”的奋斗目标,通过实施举办“三年打造新青口”论坛、实行目标责任制竞争上岗、组建招商引资联络处、组织“红色之旅万里行”、组团学习公关礼仪、开展“诚信敬业促发展”等一系列重大举措,全镇各项工作均取得了优异的成绩。全年完成国内生产总值11亿元,同比增长22.2%;财政收入5500万元,超额完成全年计划;农民人均纯收入4700元,同比增长12%。经济总量、经济效益、出口创汇、财政收入等主要经济指标继续雄居全市第一。精神文明建设和各顶社会事业都取得了迅猛发展。 根据三年打造新青口的总体要求,今年我们的发展战略和奋斗目标是:在锁定“争先赶超攀高峰,崛起苏北争第一,错位发展快提速,融入苏南进百强”标杆的基础上,瞄 Since last year, the town has firmly locked up the goal of “building a new life in three years”. Through the implementation of the “three years to create a new Qingkou” forum, the implementation of the target responsibility system for competition posts, the establishment of investment liaison office, organize the “red Travel all the way ”, group study of public relations etiquette, to carry out“ honesty and dedication to promote development ”and a series of major initiatives, the town has made outstanding achievements in all work. The annual GDP of 1.1 billion yuan was completed, an increase of 22.2% over the same period of last year; the fiscal revenue was 55 million yuan, exceeding the annual plan; the per capita net income of farmers was 4,700 yuan, an increase of 12% over the same period of last year. Major economic indicators such as total economic output, economic benefits, foreign exchange earned through exports, and fiscal revenue continued to rank the first in the city. The construction of spiritual civilization and all top social undertakings have made rapid development. According to the general requirements for building a new Qingkou in three years, our development strategy and our goal for this year are: To set the benchmark for “striving to catch up with the top of the scale, rise the top of the northern Jiangsu, speed up the development of dislocation, and integrate into the top 100 in the southern Jiangsu Province” On the basis of aiming
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