着力实施“四大战略” 促进临洮经济发展

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党的十七大的召开为我国经济社会发展指明了方向。针对目前临洮自然条件差、经济总量小、人均收入水平低的基本县情,学习贯彻十七大精神,必须要把落脚点放在促进县域经济发展上,重点实施好“产业富民、工业强县、旅游活县、构建和谐社会”四大战略。 The convening of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the direction for China's economic and social development. In view of the basic conditions of the county where natural conditions are poor, the total economy is small, and the per capita income level is low, it is imperative to study and implement the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress in order to promote economic development in the county economy and implement the principle of “enriching the people through industry, Strong county, live in tourism, building a harmonious society ”four strategies.
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