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本研究利用Incofish项目开发的可持续发展指标开展渔业资源评估应用研究。研究对象为金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)和短体小沙丁鱼(Sardinella maderensis)。数据来源于1990年—2005年间塞内加尔个体渔业渔获量及由DR FRIDTJOF NANSEN调查船在塞内加尔海域获得的渔获量。采用Froese(2004年)提出的三个可持续捕捞指标,为渔业资源量的开发状况作出诊断和评估。这些指标包括:渔获物中成鱼的百分比(以100%为最佳)、达到最适开捕体长鱼的百分比(以100%为最佳)和大型产卵鱼的百分比(以0%为最佳,体长大于最适开捕体长1.1倍的雌鱼即为大型产卵鱼)。分析结果表明:金色小沙丁鱼处于过度捕捞状态,幼鱼在其渔获物中占有优势地位,捕捞到的金色小沙丁鱼多数小于最适开捕体长,即生长型过度捕捞;短体小沙丁鱼处于充分开发利用状态。总体结果揭示,可持续捕捞指标能够成为替代或完善传统资源评估方法的有用工具。渔业相关的利益主体(包括公众)通过这些指标能够避免过度捕捞,从而更好地理解渔业管理。 In this study, we applied the sustainable development index developed by Incofish project to study the application of fishery resources assessment. The subjects were Sardinella aurita and Sardinella maderensis. Data obtained from individual fisheries seizures in Senegal during 1990-2005 and catches obtained by the DR FRIDTJOF NANSEN survey vessel in the Senegalese seaboard. Three of the sustainable fishing targets proposed by Froese (2004) are used to diagnose and assess the state of exploitation of fishery resources. These include: the percentage of adult fish in the catch (100% is the best), the percentage of fish that are most optimally caught (100% best), and the percentage of large-sized spawning fish (at 0% For the best, the body longer than the optimal captive length of 1.1 times the female is the large-scale spawning fish). The results showed that the juvenile golden sardines were overfished and juveniles dominated their catch. Most of the golden sardines harvested were less than the optimal archer length, ie overgrowth for growth. Small sardines Fully develop and utilize the state. The overall results reveal that sustainable fishing targets can be useful tools to replace or improve traditional resource assessment methods. Through these indicators, fishery-related stakeholders, including the public, can avoid overfishing and gain a better understanding of fisheries management.
随着高考的进一步改革 ,化学学科的设置已经由原来独立的一门学科逐渐向综合学科过渡。这既体现了事物之间的必然联系和内在规律 ,也体现了学科之间的相互渗透和交叉规律 ,同
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