
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastwood
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试验设计了6块钢板夹泡沫铝组合板,其中无侧板组合板与有侧板组合板各为3块,侧板材料与面板相同,泡沫铝芯层厚度分别为40 mm、60 mm和90 mm。对组合板进行抗弯试验,绘制了组合板跨中荷载-位移(P-δ)曲线,记录了组合板变形失效过程。基于Gibson模型最大承载力公式建立了无侧板组合板的失效模式图。推导了有侧板组合板最大承载力计算公式,建立了失效模式图。结果表明:泡沫铝芯层厚度越大,组合板承载力越高,加载刚度越大。建立的失效模式图可以较好预测组合板的失效模式。与无侧板组合板相比,仅增加侧板,可以显著提高组合板的承载能力和加载刚度,有效限制泡沫铝开裂后裂缝的进一步开展。通常无侧板组合板每种失效模式仅独立对应失效模式图中一块区域,而有侧板组合板失效模式图被划分为四块区域,且表皮屈服失效模式独立对应两块区域。 The experimental design of the six steel-walled aluminum foam panels, including no combination of side panels and side panels have three panels each, the same side panels and panels, aluminum foam core thickness of 40 mm, 60 mm and 90 mm. The composite plate was subjected to bending test, and the mid-span load-displacement (P-δ) curve of the composite plate was drawn. The deformation failure process of the composite plate was recorded. Based on the Gibbs maximum capacity formula, the failure mode diagram of the non-sideboard was established. The calculation formula of the maximum bearing capacity of the sideboard is deduced and the failure mode diagram is established. The results show that the bigger the thickness of foam aluminum core layer is, the higher the bearing capacity of the composite board is, and the greater the loading stiffness is. The established failure mode map can better predict the failure mode of the composite panel. Compared with the non-side panel, the addition of only the side panels can significantly improve the bearing capacity and stiffness of the composite panel, and effectively limit the further development of cracks after the aluminum foam cracks. Normally, each failure mode of the sideboard composite panel corresponds to only one area of ​​the failure mode diagram independently, and the failure mode diagram of the sideboard composite panel is divided into four areas, and the epidermal yield failure mode corresponds to two areas independently.
6.由TA7698AP扫描/亮度/解码集成电路损坏而引起的电源开启难故障徒弟:TA7698AP解码块与电源启动工作有何联系? 师傅:TA7698AP是把扫描前置电路、亮度信号处理电路和色度解