责任铸就忠诚 担当成就伟业——访中国兵器内蒙古第一机械集团有限公司董事长、党委书记白晓光

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1954年,伴随着新中国建设第一个五年计划的实施,中国兵器内蒙古第一机械集团有限公司(下面简称一机)宣告成立。作为当时苏联援建的156个重点项目之一,如今已经走过了60年的光辉历程。其60年风雨兼程,自强不息;60年自主创新,永争第一;60年强军报国,兴企富民;60年薪火传承,铸魂塑魄。60年来,一机人用忠诚、责任与担当,描绘出了一幅波澜壮阔的生动历史画卷。历史如镜,岁月如歌。值此其60华诞之际,2014年8月,中央企业党建政研会(中央企业企业文化建设协会)会刊《企业文明》,特派记者奔赴包头采访,与第十二届全国人大代表,一机集团董事 In 1954, with the implementation of the first five-year plan for the construction of new China, the first Chinese Ordnancery Machinery Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as a machine) was proclaimed. As one of the 156 key projects aided by the Soviet Union at the time, it has now passed 60 years of glorious history. Its 60 years of trials and hardships, self-reliance; 60 years of independent innovation, never fight the first; 60 years of the military republics, prosperous enterprises; 60 years of fire inheritance, Soul Moldings. In the past 60 years, with the loyalty, responsibility and responsibility of a machine, a magnificent and vivid picture of history has been drawn. History as a mirror, years of song. On the occasion of its 60th birthday, in August 2014, the “Enterprise Culture”, a bulletin of the Central Party Construction Institute (Central Enterprise Enterprise Culture Association), dispatched reporters to Baotou to interview with the 12th NPC, a Machine Group director
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