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1新写实小说已走向了末路,这正日益成为人们心目中的一种共识。人们抱怨它对历史和人生理解的模糊和暖昧使人难以看到汉民族文化传统中那种厚重的“济世风范”,人们要求“新写实们”在消解意义的同时,应“带来更高、更新层次价值的重建,对历史和人生的认识应达到真正的历史学家、哲学家的境界。”鲁迅在谈屈原的《离骚》时,有一段话意味深长:“(《离骚》)放言无惮,为前人所不敢言,然其中亦多芳菲凄恻之言,而反抗挑战之话,则终其篇未见。”这番话我想是点透了屈原和他作品的全面了的。观《离骚》全篇,“上下求索”的精神固然重要,但弥漫全篇的情绪意向,“罹骚”之忧其实是主要的,对现实的深层审视带给屈原的无尽哀 A new realistic novel has come to an end, which is increasingly becoming a consensus in people’s minds. People complain that its vagueness and comprehension of history and human life make it hard to see the heavy “form of worldly service” in the Han nationality’s cultural tradition. People are demanding that “new realists” eliminate the meaning and at the same time “bring more The reconstruction of the values ​​of the high and the newer levels of understanding of history and life should reach the realm of the historian and philosopher. ”When Lu Xun talked about Qu Yuan’s“ Li Sao ”, he said something of profound meaning:“ (”Li Sao“) To put it bravely for the predecessors did not dare to say, but many of them also Fang Fei sad words, and to resist the words of challenge, then the last chapter has not seen. ”I would like to point out this is Qu Yuan and his works full Understand. The whole story of Lisao and the spirit of seeking a job from top to bottom are important. However, the mood of “suffering from appearing angry” is the most important thing. However, profound insight into the reality brings Qu Yuan endlessly.
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即时评价是教与学双边在课堂上所表现出的明显而又频繁的应答关系,有省时省力、见效快的优点,被广大体育教师所应用。即时评价多以口头表达,主观性较强,其准确性取 Instant
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