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1945年2月中旬,太平洋战争已接近尾声。在孟加拉湾海域巡逻的英国舰队截击了一支企图从海上撤回的日本的侵缅日军船队。英国舰队将日军的几艘护航炮艇击沉。但装载有1000多名日军的两艘运输船,把日军安全地运到了一个叫兰里岛的小岛上。上岛的日军仍然顽强地用火炮向英国军舰还击。 天色渐渐黑下了下来,英国舰队一时也很难消灭这股上岛的日军部队,于是决定先对小岛进行海上封锁,防止日军趁月夜逃离。晚上,正当英军各舰指挥官商议次日破敌方案时,舰上执勤人员匆匆忙忙地跑来报告说,岛上日军突然传来激烈的枪声和乱哄哄的喊叫声。 直到下半夜,岛上的枪声和喊叫声才渐渐平息了下去。 到底发生了什么事?天亮前,英军派一艘 In mid-February 1945, the Pacific war was coming to a close. The British fleet patrolling the waters off the Bay of Bengal intercepted a Japan-based Japanese invasion and destruction of the Japanese fleet attempting to be withdrawn from the sea. The British fleet sank several escort gunships from the Japanese. However, the two transport vessels loaded with more than 1,000 Japanese troops safely transported the Japanese troops to a small island called Lanta Island. The Japanese army on the island still stubbornly fired back the British warships with artillery. The sky was getting dark, and it was hard for the British fleet to destroy this unit of Japanese troops on the island for a while, so they decided to sea the island and prevent the Japanese fleeing overnight. In the evening, just as the commanders of the British naval vessels negotiated the second day of the hostile enemy program, the ship’s helpers ran in a hurry and reported that the island Japanese troops suddenly heard intense gunshots and chaotic shouts. Until the middle of the night, the gunfire and shouts on the island gradually subsided. What happened in the end? Before dawn, the British army to send one
在新疆我已经生活了将近20年。 我不敢说我是新疆的儿子,我充其量只能算个新疆的养子。 一个养子对他的养父母的爱,可能有点谦卑、有点感激、有点过敏;但他的感受的可靠性以
我院门诊于 1996年 3月~ 1999年 11月采用头孢三嗪 (商品名菌必治 ,上海先锋药业公司生产 )治疗淋菌性前列腺炎18例 ,疗效满意 ,现报告如下。临床资料  18例患者全部选自本院
1958年12月16日甘肅省人民委員會第2次行政會議通过 (不另行文) 为了更加便利引洮上山水利工程的修建和管理,决定將天水專区的岷縣划归定西專区领导。 December 16, 1958 Ad