再接再厉 狠抓落实 确保2004年工作胜利完成——全国民政工作年中分析会在大连召开

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2004年7月20日,全国民政工作年中分析会在大连召开,会议的主要任务是对照年初厅局长会议的工作部署,分析上半年形势,研究下半年工作。民政部部长李学举做了工作报告和总结讲话,民政部副部长杨衍银、李立国、陈杰昌、中纪委驻民政部纪检组组长张印忠、老龄协会会长李本公、民政部机关及直属单位主要负责人以及各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团的民政厅局长和办公室主任参加了会议。辽宁省委副书记、大连市委书记孙春兰出席会议并致辞。会议通过年中分析工作的形式,用了两天的时间,着重解决了对上半年民政工作“怎么看”和对下半年民政工作“怎么办”的问题。会议进一步强调:要坚持“以民为本,为民解困”的宗旨,用更大的努力做好工作,确保全年民政工作的胜利完成。 On July 20, 2004, the mid-year analysis of the work of civil administration in China will be held in Dalian. The main task of the meeting is to review the work in the office of the director-general of the beginning office and analyze the situation in the first half of the year and study the work in the second half of the year. Minister of Civil Affairs Li Xueju made a work report and concluding remarks. Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Yang Yanan, Li Liguo, Chen Jiechang, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission Ministry of Civil Affairs Discipline Inspection Team Leader Zhang Yinzhong, Aging Association President Lee, Ministry of Civil Affairs agencies and units directly under the chief and All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Director of Civil Affairs and the Director of the Office attended the meeting. Liaoning Provincial Committee, Dalian Party Secretary Sun Chunlan attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting adopted the mid-year analysis of the form of work, spent two days, focused on the resolution of the first half of the civil affairs “how to look” and the second half of the civil work “how to do” issue. The meeting further emphasized: To adhere to the principle of “taking people as the basis and solving the difficulties for the people”, make greater efforts to do a good job in ensuring that the victory of civil affairs throughout the year is completed.
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