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“浏阳二杰”者,谭嗣同与唐才常也。二人同为湖 南浏阳人,故得此名。 大约一个世纪前的这个时候,梁启超与“浏阳二 杰”以及他们的志同道合之友黄遵宪、江标等,正在湖 南从事着如火如荼、亘古未有的维新变法运动。当时 “义宁陈宝箴方为湖南巡抚,其子三立辅之,慨然以湖 南维新为己任。”(梁启超《谭嗣同传》)小小湖南一变 历史上沉寂、闭塞、落后之状,而出现了“楚境一隅,经 营天下”的局面。也就在这一时期,梁启超结识了后来 成为生死之交的“浏阳二杰”。近读梁启超之《饮冰室 诗话》,黄之《花随人圣摭忆》以及《谭嗣同全集》中 有关内容,深为他们三人之间的真挚情谊所感动。 三人之中,谭浏阳与唐浏阳相识最早。一八七七 年,谭嗣同十三岁,唐才常才十一岁,两人就成为好友, 同在湘学名家欧阳中鹄门下求学。从那时直至谭嗣同 牺牲,两人一直是知心好友,用谭嗣同的话来说,是“二 十年刎颈交”也,堪称真正肝胆相照。谭嗣同在其写给 唐才常及他人的书信中,多有对此种感人友谊的描述, “Liuyang two Jie” who, Tan Sitong and Tang Caichang also. The same two people in Hunan Liuyang, it was the name. At about this time about a century ago, Liang Qichao and his “Liuyang Second Lieutenant” and their like-minded friends Huang Zunxian and Jiang Biao were engaged in an unprecedented reform movement in Hunan. At that time, “Yi Ning Chen Bao Zhen pro-governor of Hunan, his son Sanli Fu, generous to reform in Hunan as its own responsibility.” (Liang Qi “Tan Biography”) a small change in the history of Hunan a quiet, blocked, backward shape, and the emergence of “ Chu Jing corner, operating the world ”situation. Also during this period, Liang Qichao met the “Liuyang Er Jie” who later became the birth and death. After reading Liang Qichao’s “Drinking Ice Room Poetry”, Huang’s “Flower With People” and “Tan Sitong Complete Works,” the content was deeply touched by the true friendship between the three of them. Among the three, Tan Liuyang and Tang Liuyang met the earliest. In 1877, Tan Sitong was thirteen years old and Tang was only eleven years old. The two became good friends and studied under Ouyang Zhongkuang, a famous master of Xiang. From then till Tan Sitong sacrificed, both of them have always been close friends, and in the words of Tan Sitong, they are “twenties and thirties” and they are truly shredshouless. In his letters to Tang Caitang and others, Tan Sitong described it more in such touching friendship,
张文龙(1922—1996) 二胡制作名师。上海市人。原籍江苏海门。 1935年涉足乐器制作行业,在“京音斋乐器号”学艺,师承童金富学习二胡、京胡等拉弦乐器的制作;后在“前振兴乐
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