Ultraprecision intersatellite laser interferometry

来源 :InternationalJournalofExtremeManufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmlsuper
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Precision measurement tools are compulsory to reduce measurement errors or machining errors in the processes of calibration and manufacturing. The laser interferometer is one of the most important measurement tools invented in the 20th century. Today, it is commonly used in ultraprecision machining and manufacturing, ultraprecision positioning control, and many noncontact optical sensing technologies. So far, the state-of-the-art laser interferometers are the ground-based gravitational-wave detectors, e.g. the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). The LIGO has reached the measurement quantum limit, and some quantum technologies with squeezed light are currently being tested in order to further decompress the noise level. In this paper, we focus on the laser interferometry developed for space-based gravitational-wave detection. The basic working principle and the current status of the key technologies of intersatellite laser interferometry are introduced and discussed in detail. The launch and operation of these large-scale, gravitational-wave detectors based on space-based laser interferometry is proposed for the 2030s.
报道了在Nd:YAG 1.06 μm激光器上,用受激布里渊散射(SBS)后向放大输出作泵浦光源,用光学参量振荡(OPO)的方法,获得1.57 μm激光输出,最大输出能量为21.6 mJ,相应的转换效率为32%,并与直接用Nd:YAG 1.06 μm激光泵浦结果相比较,效率提高1.9倍,阈值降低1.7倍,实验结果与理论分析符合的较好。
适用于X线范围的透镜是不存在的,因为大多数物质的折射率与1仅差十万分之几。本文回顾了为制造X射线显微镜所作的努力,不涉及其缺陷。人们过去已对布喇格反射、全反射、菲涅耳波带片、中央投影、针孔照相机及显微软片成象的光学放大率进行了研究和使用。最近的新发现是Yorktown Heights的国际商用机器研究室发明的两步过程。用这一种方法第一步是使物体在聚甲基败醋酸树脂软片上产生一个三维显微外形吸收轮廓。然后用扫描电子显微镜将这三维X射线照相放大,产生10毫米的分辨率。
粒子激发X射线谱仪(APXS)是我国嫦娥三号卫星月球巡视器的有效载荷之一, 其主要目的是对月面土壤和岩石完成就位探测和离线分析, 距离感知功能是保障APXS有效探测的一项重要功能。 本文首先简要介绍了APXS系统, 分析了距离感知功能的特殊要求和约束, 然后提出了一种利用响应曲线拐点的新型红外距离感知方法。 通过理论推导证明了本方法的算法可行性, 并且设计试验验证了本方法。 理论分析表明, 尽管该方法对工作温度和月面反射率不敏感, 但是强烈的太阳红外辐射环境可能引起光敏器件饱和。 解决措施是适当降低器件增
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