
来源 :妇女研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daliangengbo
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Through a sample survey of some 6,000 married men and women in four regions in China, this article, with a view to revealing the actual influence of sexual distinction on the appraisal of marital relations, makes a multivariate analysis of the three composite factors the degree of satisfaction with the husband-wife relations, the cohesiveness of the tWo parties, and the degree of satisfaction with their sex lives-as well as an analysis of such influencing variables as the population characteristics of the object of study, the individual resources, the playing of the gender roles, and the inter-dynamic reaping. Research results show that the probability of women’s dissatisfaction with marriage is bigger than men, and an in-depth analysis is made of the factors making for the differences between men and women in their perception of marriage. Through a sample survey of some 6,000 married men and women in four regions in China, this article, with a view to reveal the actual influence of sexual distinction on the appraisal of marital relations, makes a multivariate analysis of the three composite factors the degree of with the husband and wife relations, the cohesiveness of the tWo parties, and the degree of satisfaction with their sex lives-as well as an analysis of such influencing variables as the population characteristics of the object of study, the individual resources, the playing of the gender roles, and the inter-dynamic reaping. Research results show that the probability of women’s dissatisfaction with marriage is bigger than men, and an in-depth analysis is made of the factors making for the differences between men and women in their perceptions of marriage.
时光如水,转眼之间2006年擦身而过,抚去一年来的喧嚣与浮华,中国报业在持续两年的个位数低速增长之后,报业面临发展的拐点,已是无可怀疑的事实。 The time is running out o
这么些年,《中国民兵》作为我的良师益友,留下许多美好回忆。而因为争睹—份《中国民兵》和人打架闯祸,差点受处分的事,我和同事们也记忆犹新。 10年前,我刚到人武部当保管