律师,作为向社会提供法律服务的专业人员,在承接各类律师业务时,是否可以不受任何限制地接受当事人的委托,参与诉讼?有关此类律师从业限制和执业回避问题,近来已越来越引起人们的注意,特别是已引起司法界的关注。 一 禁止律师为了作出有利于自己承办案件审理裁决而与司法官进行非正常接触,是世界多数国家和地区对律师的一项普遍性的要求。虽然具体规定不尽相同,但中心意思是一致的。律师胜诉靠的是对法律的娴熟
Lawyers, as professionals providing legal services to the public, can accept the client’s commission and participate in the litigation without any restriction when they undertake various types of lawyer’s business. Recently, the issue of employment restrictions and practice avoidance has become more and more The more people get their attention, especially the concern of the judiciary. Forbidding lawyers to engage in irregular contacts with magistrates in order to make judgments in favor of handling cases is a universal requirement for lawyers in most countries in the world. Although the specific provisions are not the same, the central meaning is the same. Lawyers rely on the law is skilled