市场是客观行为,计划是主观行为,尊重市场经济客观规律,改进劳武企业的经营和管理,是发展以劳养武需要着力研究解决的一个重要问题。 扩大劳武企业规模,提高参与市场竞争的能力。目前,各地劳武企业数量不少,但规模较小,档次较低。过去它确能发挥“船小好掉头”的优势,取得了较好的效益。但在当前激烈的市场竞争中,劳武企业小型化、分散化的弱点日益显露出来。商场如战场。
The market is an objective act. The plan is a subjective act. Respecting the objective laws of the market economy and improving the management and management of the labor force enterprises are an important issue in the development of the labor force. Expand the scale of labor-force companies and increase their ability to participate in market competition. At present, there are a large number of labor-related enterprises in all parts of the country, but their scale is relatively small and their grades are relatively low. In the past, it has been able to exert its advantages of “a small boat turning around better” and has achieved better results. However, in the current fierce market competition, the weaknesses of the miniaturization and decentralization of the labor force enterprises are increasingly exposed. Shopping malls such as battlefields.