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说起通天河,人们第一时间会想起西游记,故事中记载通天河是唐僧师徒取经八十一难之一,唐僧遇阻通天河,夜宿陈家村,巧遇灵感大王祭祀,孙悟空与其斗法通天河,救得童男童女,后得老龟相助渡过通天河。后来,唐僧四人取得真经,老龟再次驮四人过河时,得知唐僧忘记向佛祖询问老龟功德圆满之期,遂将四人沉入河中,弄湿经书,最后师徒四人不得已在石上晒经,将《佛本行经》后几行弄破,终不得全。而我,就是带着寻觅 Speaking of Tongtianhe, people will think of the first time Journey to the West, the story records Tongtianhe Tang Monk mentor learn one of the eighty one difficulty, the Tang monk met resistance to the Milky Way, Overnight Chen Village, coincidentally inspired king ritual, the Monkey King and its fighting law Tongtianhe, to save the boy and girl, after the turtle helped pass through the sky. Later, when the monk made four trips and the turtle crossed the river again, he learned that the monk had forgotten to ask the Buddha what she had achieved during the merit of the old turtle. She then put the four men into the river, wet the scriptures, and finally the four apprentices Last resort in the stone drying, the “Buddhist scriptures,” after a few lines to break, and ultimately not all. And I, is looking for
普安一中的前身系1945年创办的县立初级中学,地址在县城北门外寿福寺,1947年迁至聚点仓库(今盘粮宾馆)。解放后于1955年建校,定名为普安中学,地址义家厂(现 Pu’an, one of
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爸爸妈妈带我到乡下大爷家做客。刚进大院,一阵阵浓郁的芳香扑鼻而来。妈妈说,这是金银花。绿叶当中,一簇簇像铃铛似的金银花,黄艳艳的像金子,白花花的像银子,怪不得叫金银花呀。  公园里的桃花是红色的,樱花是粉色的,桂花是金黄色的……金银花为什么有两种颜色呢?是不是有的金银花开黄花,有的金银花开白花?不对。我看到白花和黄花从同一个枝桠上生长出来。我站在花丛前,看了半天也没看出个究竟来。  第二天一睁开眼
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“兴利除害”或“兴利除弊”可以译为to promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful或to promote what is good and eliminate what is bad。例如: 1.这个清官
柳北区位于广西壮族自治区柳州市北面,是目前柳州市最大的城区。柳北区教育局成立于2002年,现任局长苏敏,局工委书记何权芳。教育局管辖中小学(园) Liubei District is loca