雄关漫道真如铁 而今漫步从头越

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2004年带着金猴的灵气与轻盈,扑闪而至。《民族大家庭》在广大读者的关爱与支持下,已走过了20年的成长历程。20年来,《民族大家庭》坚持“宣传民族政策、普及民族知识、展现民族风貌、促进民族团结,让世界了解少数民族、让少数民族了解世界”的办刊宗旨,与广大读者一起同进步,共发展。过去的一年,是不平凡的一年,尤其是中办、国办对党政部门报刊散滥和利用职权发行进行了强有力治理,深受百姓的拥护和欢迎。在这次治理中,《民族大家庭》被保留继续办刊,这充分表明了党中央对民族宗教工作宣传的重视,我们深感责任更大,任务更重,同时信心更足。“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。在新的一年里,《民族大家庭》更要解放思想、与时俱进,进一步增强政治意 In 2004 with the Aura of Aura and light, flapping to. Under the care and support of readers, the “National Family” has gone through 20 years of growth. In the past 20 years, the “National Family” has adhered to the principle of “promoting ethnic policies, popularizing ethnic knowledge, displaying ethnic style, promoting national unity, letting the world understand the ethnic minorities and let the ethnic minorities understand the world”, and together with the readers Progress, total development. The past year was an extraordinary one. Especially the Central Office and the State Council conducted a powerful administration over newspapers and periodicals in the Party and government departments and the issue of their power of authority, which was greatly supported and welcomed by the people. In this administration, the “ethnic family” has been kept and kept running. This fully demonstrates the Central Party’s emphasis on the propaganda of ethnic and religious affairs. We feel more responsible, heavier and with more confidence. “Man Guan Man Road really iron, and now step by step the more ”. In the new year, the “national family of nations” should also emancipate their minds, keep pace with the times and further enhance their political will
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我们常听大人警告:“耳屎是个可怕的东西,不小心吃了耳屎,人会变成哑巴。”  耳屎能把人毒哑?我们身体里居然会有这么恐怖的毒素?对于这种听上去就很匪夷所思的事儿,我们一定要抱着科学探索的态度,打破砂锅问到底。  我们来看看,耳屎究竟是什么。耳屎的医学名称叫耵聍。它是耳朵里的耵聍腺所分泌出来的油样、水样物质,混和着耳内脱落下来的死细胞组成的。从耳屎的成分和特性来看,它非但无毒,而且有益于我们的耳朵。首
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