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今天,人类社会的信息基础设施可以说完全建立在互联网之上,从老百姓的日常生活,到企业内部的管理系统,从电子商务、媒体到政府的运作,都已经离不开互联网。互联网从诞生到现在,网站的规模不断扩大,存储和处理的数据量也远远超出了人们的想象,近年来又出现了对信息实时性、多媒体需求大幅增长的现象,互联网架构面临越来越大的挑战。为了应对这些困难,互联网架构领域也出现了许多新动向:LAM户等开源技术成为主流并开始承担关键任务,越来越多的网站开始采用NoSQL为代表的分布式存储和MapReduce为代表的分布式计算,Restful架构风格、消息队列、数据仓库、负载均衡等技术得到了更多关注。本期封面报道,我们特邀请了来自知名互联网企业和技术厂商的众多资深架构师,为您吹响互联网架构的集结号,全方位分析互联网架构方面的热门技术和实战经验。 Today, the information infrastructure of human society can be said to be completely based on the Internet. From the daily life of ordinary people to the management system of enterprises, everything from e-commerce to the media to the government can not be separated from the Internet. From birth to now, the scale of the website has been expanding. The amount of data stored and processed goes far beyond the imagination of the people. In recent years, the phenomenon of real-time information and substantial increase in multimedia demand has emerged. The Internet architecture is facing more and more problems Big challenge. In response to these difficulties, there have been many new developments in the field of Internet architecture. Open source technologies such as LAMs have become mainstream and have begun to take on key tasks. More and more websites are beginning to adopt distributed storage represented by NoSQL and distributed by MapReduce Computing, Restful architectural style, message queue, data warehouse, load balancing and other technologies have been more attention. In this cover story, we’ve invited numerous senior architects from well-known Internet companies and technology vendors to soothe your assembly of Internet infrastructure and analyze all aspects of the hot technologies and actual combat experience in Internet architecture.
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Where there is a will,  There is a way.  ---- By Thomas Edison  有志者,事竟成。  ----〔英國〕爱迪生
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